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Dr. Erik W. Monsen
The University of Vermont
(802) 656-8994
Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Academic Studies, University of Strathclyde, 2012.
Major: Teaching & Research
Ph D, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2005.
Major: Organizational Management
MBA, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2001.
Major: Entrepreneurship and Technology Management
MS, Stanford University, 1992.
Major: Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering
BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1991.
Major: Aeronautical Engineering
Research Publications
Monsen, E. (2005). Employees Do Matter: Autonomy, Teamwork and Corporate Entrepreneurial
Culture. Colorado: Dissertation Abstracts International.
Book Chapters
Boss, A., Monsen, E., Biniari, M. (2019). Integrating Corporate Entrepreneurship and
Organization Development Through Learning and Leadership. In D. Kuratko & S. Hoskinson
(Ed.), The Challenges of Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Disruptive Age (vol. 28, pp. 63-
87). Bloomington, Indiana: Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and
Economic Growth (Emerald Publishing).
Simmons, S., Levie, J., Monsen, E. (2016). Perceptions of firm competitive advantages from
teaming up with universities: an exploratory study. In D. B. Audretsch, E. E. Lehmann, M.
Meoli , and S. Vismara (Ed.), University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional
Competitiveness (pp. 153-174). Heidelberg: Springer.
Monsen, E. (2012). Das Regionale Ereignis “Unternehmensgruendung” – Auch in Deutschland?
[The Regional Event “Entrepreneurship” – Also in Germany?]. In K. Dicke, U. Cantner and
M. Ruffert (Ed.), Die Rolle der Universität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, [The Role of the
University in the Economy and Society] (pp. 161-164). Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet
Jena and IKS Garamond.
Monsen, E., Urbig, D. (2009). Perceptions of Efficacy, Control and Risk: A Theory of Mixed
Control. A. Carsrud & M. Brännback (Eds.), Understanding the Entrepreneurial Mind:
Opening the Black Box (pp. 259-281). New York: Springer.
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Audretsch, D. B., Monsen, E. (2008). Entrepreneurship Capital: A Regional, Organizational,
Team and Individual Phenomenon. In R. Barrett and S. Mayson (Ed.), International
Handbook of HRM and Entrepreneurship (pp. 47-70). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Refereed Journal Articles
Wales, W. J., Covin, J. G., Monsen, E. (2020). Entrepreneurial orientation: The necessity of a
multilevel conceptualization. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Johnson, M., Monsen, E., MacKenzie, N. (2017). Follow the leader or the pack? Regulatory
focus and academic entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Product Innovation Management,
34(2), 181-200.
Sieger, P., Monsen, E. (2015). Founder, Academic, or Employee? A Nuanced Study of Career
Choice Intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(S!), 30-57.
Biniari, M., Simmons, S., Monsen, E., Pizarro Moreno, M. I. (2015). The configuration of
corporate venturing logics: An integrated resource dependence and institutional perspective.
Small Business Economics, 45(2), 351-367.
Monsen, E., Mahagaonkar, P., Dienes, C. (2012). Entrepreneurship in India: The Question of
Occupational Transition. Small Business Economics, 39(2), 359-382.
Urbig, D., Monsen, E. (2012). The structure of optimism: "Controllability affects the extent to
which efficacy beliefs shape outcome expectancies". Journal of Economic Psychology,
33(4), 854-867.
Wales, W., Monsen, E., McKelvie, A. (2011). The Organizational Pervasiveness of
Entrepreneurial Orientation. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 35(5), 895-923.
Frederick, H., Monsen, E. (2011). New Zealand’s Perfect Storm of Entrepreneurship and
Economic Development. Small Business Economics, 37(2), 187-204.
Monsen, E., Patzelt, H., Saxton, T. (2010). Beyond Simple Utility: Incentive Design and Tradeoffs
for Corporate Employee-Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 34(1), 105-130.
Monsen, E., Boss, R. Wayne (2009). The Impact of Strategic Entrepreneurship inside the
Organization: Examining Job Stress and Employee Retention. Entrepreneurship Theory &
Practice, 33(1), 71-104.
Schweizer, L., Monsen, E., Patzelt, H. (2008). Anreize und Motivation für unternehmerisches
Handeln in etablierten Firmen [Incentives and Motivation for Entrepreneurial Action in
Established Firms]. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 60(11), 671-692.
Koberg, C. S., Boss, R. Wayne, Goodman, E. A., Boss, A. D., Monsen, E. (2005). Empirical
Evidence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior from the Health Care Industry. International
Journal of Public Administration, 28(5/6), 417-436.
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Conference Proceedings
Wales, W., Monsen, E., Marino, L., Martin, J. (2012). Entrepreneurial Orientation in Thought,
Word, and Deed: Reframing the Model and Advancing the Conversation. Best Paper
Proceedings of the Academy of Management. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of
Management, Entrepreneurship Division.
Monsen, E., Urbig, D. (2009). Entrepreneurs and Perceptions Of Compound Risk: Moderating
Effects Of Efficacy And Control Beliefs (vol. 29, pp. 255-270). Massachusetts: Frontiers of
Entrepreneurship Research.
Monsen, E., Saxton, T., Patzelt, H. (2007). Motivation and Participation in Corporate
Entrepreneurship: The Moderating Effects of Risk, Effort, and Reward (vol. 27, pp. 683-697).
Massachusetts: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
Journal Articles
Nelson, A., Monsen, E. (2014). Teaching technology commercialization: Introduction to the
special section. Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(5), 774-779.
Schjoedt, L., Monsen, E., Pearson, A., Barnett, T., Chrisman, J. J. (2013). New Venture and
Family Business Teams: Understanding Team Formation, Composition, Behaviors and
Performance. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 37(1), 1-15.
Monsen, E., Peters, S. A. (2010). Editorial (Special Issue: Corporate Entrepreneurship).
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 2(2), 107-113.
Monsen, E. (2015). In Erica Houskeeper (Ed.), Makerspaces: Youth Hostels for Creative Grown-
Ups. Burlington, Vermont: UVM Outreach / UVM Continuing and Distance Education.
Presentations Given
Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), Biniari, M. (Author), Levie, J. (Author), Sahasranamam, S.
(Author), Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "Ideation and
Experimentation: Unpacking Management Support For Corporate Entrepreneurship,"
Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States. (June 10, 2021).
Biniari, M. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), Wincent, J. (Author),
Kautonen, T. (Author), Von Gelderen, M. (Author), 2020 Academy of Management Annual
Meeting, "Motivating Corporate Entrepreneurial Effort: Champions, Followers, and How
Innovation Climate Matter," Academy of Management, United States. (August 10, 2020).
Biniari, M. (Author), Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), Wincent, J. (Author), Kautonen, T., van
Gelderen, M., Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "The Role of Leader
Identity Claims and Pro-Innovation Climate Perceptions in Motivating Corporate
Entrepreneurship Intentions and Effort," University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville,
Tennessee, United States. (June 7, 2020).
Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), Wasko, M. (Author), Terjesen, S. (Author), Babson College
Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "Team-Based Technology Entrepreneurship
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Education: A Longitudinal Study of the NSF Innovation-Corps Program," Babson College,
Massachusetts, United States. (June 7, 2019).
Biniari, M. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), Von Gelderen, M. (Author),
Wincent, J. (Author), 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "What Motivates
Employees’ Engagement in Corporate Entrepreneurial Behavior?," Academy of
Management, Atlanta, Georgia, United States. (August 7, 2017).
Monsen, E. (Presenter), BOWERS, M. (Presenter), NEELEY, K. (Presenter), PYLE, E.
(Presenter), TEAGUE, B. (Presenter), ZORYCHTA, A. (Presenter), 2016 Global Consortium
of Entrepreneurship Centers, "New Construction and Revival: The Basics of Building an
Entrepreneurship Center and Curriculum," Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers
(GCEC), Rochester, New York, United States. (September 30, 2016).
Levie, J. (Author & Presenter), Biniari, M. (Author), Monsen, E. (Author), 2016 Academy of
Management Annual Meeting, "Comparing the Entrepreneurial Management and Corporate
Entrepreneurship Assessment Instruments," Academy of Management, Anaheim, California,
United States. (August 2016).
Monsen, E. (Panelist), Justo, R. (Panelist), DeTienne, D. (Coordinator/Organizer), McKelvie, A.
(Coordinator/Organizer), 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Entrepreneurship
Division Doctoral Consortium - How to Find the Right Fit: Career Differences across the
Globe," Academy of Management - Entrepreneurship Division, Anaheim, California, United
States. (August 5, 2016).
Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), Biniari, M. (Author), Levie, J. (Author), 2016 Babson College
Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "An International Validation of the Corporate
Entrepreneurial Assessment Instrument (CEAI)," Babson College, Bodø, Norway. (June
Suhartanto, E., Monsen, E., 2016 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "The
Combination Effects of Professionalization and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Employee
Engagement in Family and Non-family Firm," Babson College, Bodø, Norway. (June 2016).
Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), De Massis, A. (Author), Heblich, S. (Author), Audretsch, D. B.
(Author), Kotlar, J. (Author), 2016 USASBE Conference, "Generative Capacity: A Key
Catalyzing Resource for Entrepreneurial Activity and Breakthrough Innovation," United
States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, San Diego, California, United
States. (January 12, 2016).
Simmons, S. (Presenter), Hsu, D. (Presenter), Wieland, A. (Presenter), Begelfer, M. (Presenter),
Monsen, E. (Presenter), 2016 USASBE Conference, "Experimental Methodologies:
Applications and Agendas," United States Association for Small Business and
Entrepreneurship, San Diego, California, United States. (January 9, 2016).
Evans, J. (Panelist), Monsen, E. (Panelist), UVM Legislative Summit - Vermont's 21st Century
Economy: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, "The Intersection of Higher Education,
Private Sector and Government in Technology and Economic Development," UVM,
Burlington, Vermont, United States. (November 17, 2015).
Biniari, M. (Author), Simmons, S. A. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter),
Pizarro Moreno, M. I. (Author), 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Configuring
Corporate Venturing Logics: A Resource Dependence and Institutional Perspective,"
Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 11, 2015).
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Belousova, O. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author), Groen, A. (Author), Gailly, B. (Author),
2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Delving Into Entrepreneurial Orientation
Pervasiveness Question: The Critical Role of Consensus," Academy of Management,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 11, 2015).
Bagby, R. (Coordinator/Organizer), Monsen, E. (Presenter), Coombs, J. (Presenter), Brush, C.
(Presenter), Welter, F. (Presenter), 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
"Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice: Workshop for Journal Reviewers (ICW)," Academy of
Management, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 9, 2015).
Monsen, E. (Panelist), Douglas, E. (Panelist), Salvato, C. (Panelist), Marino, L.
(Coordinator/Organizer), Edelman, L. (Coordinator/Organizer), 2015 Academy of
Management Annual Meeting, "Entrepreneurship Division Midcareer Consortium - The
Global Entrepreneur Scholar," Academy of Management - Entrepreneurship Division,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (August 8, 2015).
Monsen, E. (Panelist), Dimov, D. (Panelist), Corbett, A. (Coordinator/Organizer), DeTienne, D.
(Coordinator/Organizer), 2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Entrepreneurship
Division Doctoral Consortium - How to Find the Right Fit: Career Differences across the
Globe," Academy of Management - Entrepreneurship Division, Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada. (August 7, 2015).
Suhartanto, E. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author), MacKenzie, N. (Author), Babson
College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "The Effects of Professional Corporate
Entrepreneurship Practices on Listed and Non-Listed Family Firms in Developing
Economies," Babson College, Natick, Massachusetts, United States. (June 12, 2015).
Brush, C. (Coordinator/Organizer), Corbett, A. (Coordinator/Organizer), Manolova, T. (Panelist),
Naldi, L. (Panelist), McKelvie, A. (Panelist), Wales, W. (Panelist), Monsen, E. (Panelist),
Milanov, H. (Panelist), Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "Doctoral
Consortium - Lunch Time Break Out Discussion Groups," Babson College, Natick,
Massachusetts, United States. (June 10, 2015).
Suhartanto, E. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), MacKenzie, N. (Author),
Family Enterprise Research Conference, "The Effect of Professionalization and
Entrepreneurial Orientation on Employee Engagement in Family Firm," Burlington, Vermont,
United States. (June 6, 2015).
Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), StartupVT April Champion Meetup and Peer-Pitch-Practice¬,
"The Frontier Entrepreneur,the Magical Academic, and the Quest to Build a Crystal Ball:
Center for Technology Venturing Research Draft Proposal," StartupVT and DesignBook,
Burlington, Vermont, United States. (April 21, 2015).
Monsen, E. (Panelist), Piper, E. (Panelist), Clark, K. (Panelist), 2015 Annual PMICV Symposium,
"Vermontrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Project Manager," Project Management
Institute Champlain Valley Chapter, South Burlington, Vermont, United States. (April 10,
Piper, E. (Panelist), Clark, K. (Panelist), Sharma, S. (Panelist), Monsen, E. (Panelist), innoVaTe
2014: Second Annual Economic Development Summit, "Cultivating Entrepreneurship,"
Vermont Department of Economic Development, Burlington, Vermont, United States.
(October 28, 2014).
Urbig, D. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author), Renko, M. (Author), Schjoedt, L. (Author),
Tarabishy, A. (Author), 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Emergence of
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Entrepreneurship: Locus of Control Moderating the Effect of Self-Efficacy," Academy of
Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. (August 4, 2014).
Simmons, S. A. (Coordinator/Organizer), Monsen, E. (Coordinator/Organizer), Siegel, D.
(Presenter), Phan, P. (Presenter), Gianiodis, P. (Presenter), Link, A. (Presenter), Hornsby, J.
(Presenter), Meek, W. (Presenter), Bercovitz, J. (Presenter), 2014 Academy of Management
Annual Meeting, "Theoretical Perspectives of Academic Entrepreneurship: Current and
Future Directions," Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
(August 2, 2014).
Bagby, R. (Coordinator/Organizer), Busenitz, L. (Presenter), Carter, S. (Presenter), Combs, J.
(Presenter), DeTienne, D. (Presenter), Lim, D. (Presenter), Monsen, E. (Presenter), 2014
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "Using Words Wisely to Shape Entrepreneurship
Research: The Art and Craft of Reviewing," Academy of Management, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States. (August 1, 2014).
Romanov, M. (Author), Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), Ferguson, J. (Author), Gamble, E.
(Author), Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "Self-employment,
employment choice and the accounting profession," Babson College, London, Ontario,
Canada. (June 6, 2014).
Biniari, M. (Author & Presenter), Simmons, S. A. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author &
Presenter), Pizarro Moreno, M. I. (Author), Babson College Entrepreneurship Research
Conference, "The Configuration of Corporate Venturing Logic Through A Resource
Dependence Institutional Lens," Babson College, London, Ontario, Canada. (June 5, 2014).
Romanov, M. (Author & Presenter), Monsen, E. (Author), Ferguson, J. (Author), Gamble, E.
(Author), RENT XXVII - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, "Self-
employment, employment choice and the accounting profession," EIASM - European
Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Vilnius, Lithuania. (November 22, 2013).
Monsen, E. (Author & Presenter), RENT XXV - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small
Business, "Entrepreneurial Career Choice: Exploring Links Between Motivations, Intention
Strength and Strategic Orientation," EIASM - European Institute for Advanced Studies in
Management, Bodo, Norway. (November 17, 2011).
Research Currently in Progress
"Entrepreneurial Career Choice: Exploring Links Between Motivations, Intention Strength and
Strategic Orientation" (Writing Results).
This project is on hold, until other projects are completed.
Over six years, from 2008 to 2013, I surveyed approximately 200 participants of a 1-week
compact course in entrepreneurship and business startups at the University of Jena in
Germany. Using this data, the intent is to study not only what factors motivate them to start a
business, but also what factors motivate them to start specific types of businesses, i.e. small
businesses versus high-growth business.
"Entrepreneurial Intentions and Commercialization Choices of University Researchers" (Writing
This project is on the back burner. Mark completed his PhD in November2020, and is
currently evaluating future options.
Mark is a former PhD student of mine from the University of Strathclyde who I am continuing
to mentor to the end of his PhD.
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Drawing on theories of regulatory focus, leadership and entrepreneurship, we propose a
conceptual model that explains why academic leaders and scientists make differing
entrepreneurial choices when exploiting university innovations. By acknowledging that
different regulatory foci are elicited by academic leaders via their behaviours, this paper
suggests that these leaders influence the motivations of scientists to act entrepreneurially
through priming effects. In turn these effects influence the entrepreneurial behaviour of
scientists, leading to differing outcomes when viewed across a spectrum of exploitation
This conceptual model is based on 30 qualitative interviews of Scottish university
researchers, and is being tested using over 800 quantitative surveys of Scottish university
"Global Study of Entrepreneurial Corporate Employees: Motivation, Intention and Behavior"
(Writing Results).
Both of these projects are moving full-steam ahead, and will be submitted for publication this
Building on earlier survey development work on the framework conditions for employee
engagement in corporate entrepreneurship and innovation, we have been conducting a
multinational validation study over the past three years. Over the past three years, we have
so collected 1115 surveys from MBA students in the University of Strathclyde's Full Time,
Part Time, and International MBA programs, which run in Glasgow, Scotland, and in 9 other
international centers around the world. Using this unique global dataset, we will evaluate the
international validity of the Corporate Entrepreneurship Activity Index (Hornsby, Kuratko, et
al). and examine how entrepreneurial and innovative employee behavior around the world is
similar and different.
2020/2021 This research was accepted for presentation as a full paper at the 2021 Babson
Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference in June 2021.
2019/2020 Update: more recently, we have identified that the "management support"
dimension subdivides into an "ideation" and an "experimentation" dimension. Thus, we not
only validate the scale internationally, but we theoretically and practically extend it.
In addition, we are leverage findings from this earlier survey data to conduct two additional
data collections. The first is with a large multinational firm (Tieto), who is interested in
promoting entrepreneurship and innovation among its employees.
The second is a panel study of adults in Finland and Sweden, in order to study individuals
entrepreneurial intentions and behaviors, both as independent as well as corporate
2019/2020 Update: more recently, we have identified key differences between leaders and
followers of corporate entrepreneurship projects, which are now a central contribution we
"Self-employment, employment choice and the accounting profession" (Writing Results).
While project was made on restarting this project in Autumn 2019, it is now on the back
burner, until Max makes progress on completing his PhD.
Max is a former PhD student of mine from the University of Strathclyde who I am continuing
to mentor to the end of his PhD.
This study looks at how entrepreneurial self-efficacy, internal locus of control, promotion
regulatory focus, regulatory biases and their interactions may influence individual
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preferences towards more entrepreneurial employment options. The study looks at final year
accounting students, who are believed to be good representative example for the labour
capital with consistent educational and professional background, and their personality
perceptions with regards to vocational preferences. The study proposes using choice based
conjoint based experiment and introduces a novel instrument for clearly distinguishing
between greater or lesser entrepreneurial employment factors as applied to the real-market
accounting job positions without actually them. By combining the findings of choice based
conjoint experiment with the results for personality perceptions, the study proves the
hypotheses on the predictive ability of the personality characteristics, and particularly
entrepreneurial self-efficacy, internal locus of control, promotion regulatory focus, regulatory
biases on the employment preferences, on individual preferences towards more
entrepreneurial employments in accounting in terms of career path, work process and job
Update Fall 2019: With the aid of a MACC program graduate research assistant, a literature
review was conducted and an even more robust experimental design was developed.
"Small Town Entrepreneurial Ecosystems" (On-Going).
This project is the current focus of a sabbatical that i have been granted for Fall 2021, and is
a further development of an earlier project described farther below.
As small towns in rural and peripheral regions wrestle with rebuilding their local economies
and communities in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, research in this area will have
critical, practical relevance. Therefore, leveraging a Research Sabbatical in Fall 2021, I
propose developing field-research methodologies and that enable the collaborative
development of robust insights into the local entrepreneurial ecosystems in small towns in
rural regions.
In this project, I explore experience sampling methodologies (Beal, 2015; Gabriel et al,
2019), which have been applied to robustly probe the day-to-day perceptions, cognitive
processes, and decision making of individual entrepreneurs (Uy et al, 2010). In particular,
when augmented by technologies such as smart phones (Aguinis & Edwards, 2014; Uy et al,
2015, 2017), this approach will allow us to explore ever more challenging and practically
relevant questions about small town entrepreneurial ecosystems.
For example, Engel et al (2017) recommends experience-sampling methodology to explore
the inter-individual differences in entrepreneurial networking actions – a practical research
question that has been posed to me by John Burton and Lori Smith of the Vermont Futures
Project. Further, we could study the evolutionary dynamics of these network relationships
over time (Alvedalen & Boschma, 2017; Mack & Mayer, 2016; Pitelis, 2012; Scott, Hughes, &
Ribeiro-Soriano, forthcoming; Spigel & Harrison, 2018) and more comprehensively
understand the interplay of all elements of a local entrepreneurial ecosystem (Spigel, 2017;
Stam, 2015; Stam & van de Ven, forthcoming).
Most importantly, by engaging local entrepreneurial leaders earlier in the research design
process - such as Evan Douglas of Do North CoWorking in Lyndon Vermont or Trevor
Barlow at the Black River Innovation Campus in Springfield Vermont – we will increase the
relevance of the research and the likelihood that it will be accessible and interesting to local
policy makers (Jolley & Pittaway, 2019) and the builders of rural, small town entrepreneurial
In an earlier form, this project was titled "Promoting globally competitive technology ventures
beyond the “frontiers” of major metropolitan"
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Beginning with high technology ventures in Vermont, this project will expand in phases to
other regions beyond the "frontiers" of major metropolitan regions, both in the developed and
developing world. The goal is to develop networks of university, trade association, and
corporate partners in order to better understand and promote the needs of new and growing
technology ventures in regions outside of major metropolitan areas. In order to reach this
goal, data will be regularly collected both on the high technology firms as well as their
employees, including both objective performance as well as subjective survey data. As this
database builds over several years, we will be able to uniquely ask mufti-level and
longitudinal questions posed by both the high tech business community and policy makers.
Originally (2016), the goal is to conduct this research under the auspices of a Kauffman
Foundation Metro Ecosystem grant, which would fund a pilot study here in Burlington, with
the potential for follow up studies in other Kauffman sponsored metro ecosystems.
Due to a major restructuring of the Kauffman Foundation in the Summer of 2016, decisions
about this grant application have been put on hold until the restructuring is complete.
Hopefully a decision will be made soon. (Last Update - April 2017).
Update: after several unsuccessful Kauffman Foundation grant applications, a successful
bootstrapping solution to develop a data collection and community engagement app was
discovered. In the Fall 2019 semester, three computer science students in an app
development class built an Android prototype, and in the Spring 2020 another team of three
computer science students (2 from the fall semester) are building a parallel and augmented
IOS prototype. Field tests, using the Android and IOS versions, were to be conducted in
Summer 2020.
Unfortunately, the student team was not able to produce the working app in both IOS and
Android formats. Therefore, the technology for this project is being re-evaluated.
"Why Teaching Academics to Think Like Entrepreneurs is Making a Difference: Lessons Learned
from NSF’s I-Corps Program" (Writing Results).
This summer, once other projects are under review at journals, this project will be one of my
publication goals in Fall 2021.
August 2020 Update:
A new release of the dataset from our data collection related to the National Science
Foundation I-Corps
National Course is now available. This release combines pre-course,
post-course, and longitudinal survey data and includes data from 51 cohorts between spring
2012 and fall 2017.
November 2019 Update:
The good news is that with the new augmented dataset from VentureWell, which includes 3
more years of data, we went from a sample size of 384 to 1115, which is great.
In addition, looking just at the pre/post commercialization confidence data, the ratios are
remaining about the same. In both cases, about 40% increase in confidence, 40% stay the
same, and 20% decrease in confidence.
One challenge with the dataset this time around is that VentureWell has consciously and
conscientiously deleted a range of demographic data, such as Node Code, Year, and
Census Region, in order to protect individual identities. For example, whereas we statistically
controlled for Node Code in the past, we cannot do it this time around. That said, hopefully
other variables in the dataset will allow to control for systematic variance in other ways.
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Principal Topic: The National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) is the
premier U.S. government-funded program for technology commercialization, at $30 million
annually. TheI-Corps curriculum leverages lean start-up and experiential approaches, and
requires: 3-member teams (entrepreneurial lead, technical lead, and industry mentor) to
follow a 7-week customer discovery program in a highly-pressurized environment. We
explore I-Corps’ success through transactive memory systems (TMS) theory (Wegner,
1985). TMS suggests that individuals who spend time together in teams create an
overarching mental model of “who knows what,” allowing each individual to uniquely encode,
store, and retrieve information based on his/her role identity. Applied to management
generally (Argote & Ren, 2012; Ren & Argote, 2011) and entrepreneurship (Zheng, 2012;
Zheng & Mai, 2013), TMS suggests individual I-Corps team members will master different
areas of material and have differing perceptions (Feldman, 1981; Ng & Feldman, 2007),
resulting in varying confidence levels in their technologies’ commercial potential.
Method: We use data from 2011-2016 of 900+ I-Corps national teams including 2,900
individuals from 217 universities who created 361 companies through 16 cohorts, based on a
self-administered survey of all team members at three stages: pre-training, post-training, and
follow-up.We examine: (1) What factors influence pre- to post-course estimations of
technology commercialization potential?; (2) What factors influence progression from post-
course to actual company formation or licensing deal?; and (3) Do factors differ across
technical lead, entrepreneurial lead, and industry mentor roles?
Results and Implications: Overall, 42% of respondents report increased confidence in
technology commercialization; only 16% report a decrease. Of 42% who report no change,
over half started in highest confidence category, and cannot. Entrepreneurial leads start with
the highest level of pre-course commercialization confidence, and technical leads end with
the highest level of post-course commercialization confidence. Consistent with TMS, we find
significant differences in the three team member types’ reactions to program design.
Entrepreneurial leads’ post-course commercialization confidence is negatively affected by
program harshness, and technical leads and industry mentors react negatively to program
stressfulness. Post-course evaluations of team-work quality on commercialization confidence
vary across roles. Entrepreneurial leads’ confidence appears unaffected by teamwork
quality, technical leads are positively affected by the team collaboration, and industry
mentors by equitable work distribution. Entrepreneurial leads’ pre-course orientation towards
learning about business-scaling and market validation positively impact post-course
commercialization confidence; however, pre-course learning orientation is insignificant for
technical leads and industry mentors.
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
Monsen, E., "USASBE Rural Research Fellowship," Sponsored by United States Association for
Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), Professional/Academic Assoc & Soc.,
$2,000.00. (March 19, 2021 - Present).
Monsen, E. (Contributor), Rincon, M. (Principal), Irvin, C. (Co-PI), von Houten, J. (Contributor),
Tracy, R. (Contributor), Farewell, C. (Contributor), Parsons, P. (Contributor), "Fostering
entrepreneurship in biomedical research," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health,
Government and Public Sector, $2,500,000.00. (March 17, 2016 - 2021).
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Irvin, C. (Principal), Thornton, T. (Contributor), Monsen, E. (Contributor), Farewell, C. (Principal),
Huggett, K., "Fostering entrepreneurship in biomedical research - Renewal Grant 2021-
2026," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Government and Public Sector,
Monsen, E. (Co-PI), Kolodinsky, J. (Contributor), Weaver, R. (Co-PI), "BTV Mayor’s Prize for
Entrepreneurship," Sponsored by Kauffman Foundation / City of Burlington VT, Foundations,
Monsen, E. (Principal), Robbins, M. (Contributor), Silverman, P. (Contributor), Treanor, O.
(Contributor), "E-Team Grant - Majorwise," Sponsored by VentureWell, Non-Profit
Organizations, $5,000.00.
Monsen, E. (Contributor), Varhue, W. J. (Principal), Badireddy, R. (Contributor), Tan, T.
(Contributor), "INFEWS/T3: Increased Realization of Sustainable Energy, Food and Water
made Possible with Nano-materials," Sponsored by National Science Foundation,
Government and Public Sector, $2,084,094.00.
Monsen, E. (Co-PI), Kolodinsky, J. (Contributor), Weaver, R. (Co-PI), "Uncommon Methods &
Metrics: A primary data collection initiative to uncover how entrepreneurial ecosystems affect
entrepreneurs," Sponsored by Kauffman Foundation, Foundations, $450,000.00.
Monsen, E. (Contributor), Korsunskiy, E. (Principal), Kostell, S. (Contributor), "Advanced Design
Thinking: A new course to foster innovation and creative-problem solving," Sponsored by
University of Vermont - Engaged Practices Innovation (EPI) Grant Program,
College/University, $10,000.00. (November 1, 2016 - May 5, 2017).
Monsen, E. (Principal), Robbins, M. (Contributor), Silverman, P. (Contributor), "Simon Family
Public Research Fellowship," Sponsored by UVM Undergraduate Research Office,
College/University, $1,965.00.
Monsen, E. (Co-PI), Kolodinsky, J. (Co-PI), "Developing Metrics To Understand Place Based
Entrepreneurial Success," Sponsored by Kauffman Foundation, Foundations, $186,572.00.
Monsen, E. (Contributor), Weiss, D. (Co-PI), Spees, J. (Co-PI), "COBRE Proposal: Regenerative
Medicine," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Government and Public Sector,
Monsen, E. (Principal), Williams, T. (Co-PI), Rincon, M. (Contributor), Dubief, Y. (Contributor),
Petrick Smith, C. (Co-PI), Farewell, C. (Contributor), Maynard, A. (Contributor), James, T.
(Contributor), "Sparking Innovation and Entrepreneurship Skills in STEM Graduate
Students," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Government and Public Sector,
Monsen, E. (Contributor), James, T. A. (Principal), Farewell, C. (Contributor), Trutor, A.
(Contributor), Jemison, J. (Contributor), "Clinical Innovation Program: Improving Health Care
through Innovation," Sponsored by VentureWell (originally called the National Collegiate
Inventors and Innovators Alliance, or NCIIA), Non-Profit Organizations, $50,000.00.
Awards and Honors
Journal of Small Business Management Editors Choice Award, USASBE 2016 Annual
Conference. (January 11, 2016).
Secondary Appointment as Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UVM College of
Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. (January 28, 2015).
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Stevens Institute of Technology Wesley J. Howe Award for Excellence in Research on the Topic
of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
(June 2008).
Teaching Experience
The University of Vermont
BSAD 138, Entrepreneurship: Bus Planning, 4 courses.
BSAD 196, Technology, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization, 2 courses.
BSAD 230, Tech Entr & Commercialization, 2 courses.
BSAD 290, Capstone: Entrepreneurship Theme, 4 courses.
BSAD 295, QR Integrated Product Development, 1 course.
BSAD 302, Crafting the Entrepreneurial Business Model, 2 courses.
BSAD 304, Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization, 2 courses.
BSAD 338, Int Sustain New Business Model, 1 course.
BSAD 395, Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Commercialization, 1 course.
BSAD 396, Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization, 2 courses.
EDLP 296, Creativity & Innovation Leadership, 1 course.
HCOL 186, Critical Perspectives on Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 1 course.
MBA 302, Crafting the Entrepreneurial Business Model, 4 courses.
MBA 304, Sustainable Intrapreneurship, 2 courses.
MBA 305, Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Action - Practicum, 3 courses.
ME 265, Integrated Product Development, 1 course.
Awards and Honors
“Recognizing Excellent Teaching” Award Nomination, University of Strathclyde. (May 7, 2014).
Professional recognition as Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEA) - U.K. (August 13, 2013).
Service to Academic Community
Committee Member, GSB Faculty Engagement Committee. (January 2020 - Present).
Committee Member, GSB Faculty Standards Committee. (August 15, 2016 - Present).
Committee Member, Engineering Management Curriculum Committee. (September 1, 2014 -
Faculty Advisor, Entrepreneurship Club. (September 1, 2014 - Present).
Committee Member, FSC Mentoring Sub-Committee - Akshay Mutha. (January 1, 2020 -
October 15, 2020).
Committee Member, FSC Sabbatical Review Subcommittee - Chiang & P. Sharma. (September
8, 2020 - September 26, 2020).
Committee Member, Graduate Studies Committee. (August 15, 2017 - August 14, 2020).
Committee Member, AACSB Assurance of Learning (AoL) Committee. (August 25, 2016 -
August 14, 2020).
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Committee Member, FSC Reappointment Sub-Committee - Senior Lecturer Amy Tomas.
(September 16, 2019 - November 18, 2019).
Committee Member, SI-MBA Five Year Review Committee. (January 4, 2019 - September 6,
Committee Member, FSC Sabbatical Sub-Committee - Professor Chun Zhang. (September 1,
2019 - September 18, 2018).
Committee Member, FSC Mentoring Sub-Committee - Kenneth De Roeck. (February 1, 2017 -
May 1, 2019).
Committee Member, Engineering Management Faculty Search Committee. (January 9, 2018 -
February 1, 2019).
Committee Chair, FSC Tenure Sub-Committee - Ante Glavas. (August 4, 2017 - November 30,
Committee Chair, GSB OB/HRM Faculty Search Committee. (August 25, 2016 - March 15, 2017).
Summer Research, Summer Research. (June 1, 2016 - August 31, 2016).
Summer Research, Summer Research. (June 1, 2015 - August 31, 2015).
Faculty Advisor, ENACTUS Club. (September 1, 2014 - May 1, 2015).
University Service including GSB
Faculty Advisor, Accelerating University Commercialization (ARC) Program. (January 1, 2021 -
Committee Chair, UVM Office of Engagement - Entrepreneurship Committee. (October 30, 2020 -
Committee Member, UVM Communicates. (January 1, 2020 - Present).
Faculty Advisor, Center for Biomedical Innovation. (August 20, 2019 - Present).
Committee Member, UVM Maker Space Steering Committee. (February 11, 2019 - Present).
Faculty Mentor, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning Community. (August 15, 2018 -
Faculty Advisor, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning Community - Advisory Board.
(January 10, 2018 - Present).
Committee Member, SPARK VT - Operations Committee. (October 15, 2016 - Present).
Faculty Advisor, Catamount Innovation Fund. (September 1, 2016 - Present).
Committee Member, Entrepreneurship Forum. (November 20, 2015 - Present).
Committee Chair, UVM Business Pitch Competition. (September 2015 - Present).
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Program Organizer, Proposed: Center for Entrepreneurship Making and Design / Institute for
Applied Imagination. (August 20, 2015 - Present).
Committee Member, Consultative Group to Work with Art & Science Group. (February 3, 2021 -
December 31, 2021).
Committee Member, Curricular Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate. (September 1, 2015 -
August 31, 2021).
Committee Member, Faculty Senate Research, Scholarship & The Creative Arts. (January 1,
2020 - December 31, 2020).
Committee Member, Honors College Council. (January 1, 2020 - August 15, 2020).
Committee Member, OVPR Postdoctoral Associate Program - Application Review Committee.
(February 24, 2020 - April 30, 2020).
Committee Member, Vermont Products Pitch. (September 17, 2019 - March 17, 2020).
Grant Proposal Reviewer, Internal, EPSCoR Phase 0 Commercialization Grant Review
Committee. (March 8, 2017 - February 21, 2018).
Committee Member, Planning Committee for "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learning
Community". (September 25, 2017 - January 10, 2018).
Committee Member, United Academics. (October 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016).
Committee Member, UVM Business Pitch Competition. (September 2014 - August 2015).
Professional Service
Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Small Business Strategy, Tennessee. (February 19,
2021 - Present).
Editorial Review Board Member, Organizational Research Methods. (January 2018 - Present).
Editorial Review Board Member, Small Business Economics Journal. (January 2018 - Present).
Editorial Review Board Member, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (January 2015 - Present).
Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Business Venturing. (2013 - Present).
Editorial Review Board Member, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. (2011 - Present).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Academy of Management Learning and Education. (January 1, 2021 -
December 31, 2021).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (January 1, 2021 - December
31, 2021).
Reviewer, Journal Article, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
(January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Venturing. (January 1, 2021 - December 31,
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Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Product Innovation Management. (January 1, 2021 -
December 31, 2021).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Organizational Research Methods. (January 1, 2021 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (January 1, 2020 - December
31, 2020).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Group & Organization Management. (January 1, 2020 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.
(January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Venturing. (January 1, 2020 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Organization Studies. (January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Organizational Research Methods. (January 1, 2020 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Research Policy. (January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Small Business Economics Journal. (January 1, 2020 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (January 1, 2020 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Academy of Management Learning and Education. (January 1, 2019 -
December 31, 2019).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (January 1, 2019 - December
31, 2019).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Group & Organization Management. (January 1, 2019 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, International Small Business Journal. (January 1, 2019 - December
31, 2019).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Venturing. (January 1, 2019 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Product Innovation Management. (January 1, 2019 -
December 31, 2019).
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Technology Transfer. (January 1, 2019 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Organizational Research Methods. (January 1, 2019 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Research Policy. (January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019).
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Reviewer, Journal Article, Small Business Economics Journal. (January 1, 2019 - December 31,
Reviewer, Journal Article, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. (January 1, 2019 - December 31,
Research Committee Chair, Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Divsion. (August 2015 -
August 2018).
Editor, Associate Editor, Small Business Economics Journal. (August 2014 - December 2017).
Representative-at-Large, Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Divsion. (August 2013 -
August 2016).
Editor, Special Issue, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. (January 1, 2010 - January 1, 2013).
Public Service
Committee Member, New North End Business Association (Burlington VT), Burlington, Vermont.
(March 19, 2021 - Present).
Committee Member, Church Street Marketplace Commission, Burlington, Vermont. (July 13,
2020 - June 30, 2023).
Committee Member, Vermont Innovation Collaborative - Data Sub-Committee, Burlington,
Vermont. (February 9, 2018 - January 31, 2020).
Committee Member, Collegiate LaunchVT, Vermont. (May 29, 2015 - October 18, 2019).
Committee Member, Collegiate Launch VT 2017 Finals at UVM, Burlington, Vermont. (October
19, 2017 - February 15, 2018).
Judging Panel, 2016 Champlain Maker Faire Adopt a Maker Pitch Session, Shelburne, Vermont.
(September 25, 2016).
Judging Panel, 2015 Champlain Maker Faire Adopt a Maker Pitch Session, Shelburne, Vermont.
(September 27, 2015).
Guest Speaker, Project Management Institute of Chittenden Valley - Annual Symposium - Panel:
Vermontrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Project Manager, Burlington, Vermont. (April
10, 2015).
Awards and Honors
Service, Community
Vermont TechJam Ambassador Award - Finalist, Vermont Technology Alliance. (October 19,
Service, Professional
Best Reviewer Award, Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. (August 8,
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Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing 2013, Journal of Business Venturing - Elsevier Publishing.
(June 19, 2014).
Outstanding Reviewer 2013, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice - Journal. (August 4, 2013).
Service, University
UVM’s inaugural Outstanding Faculty Advising Award - Finalist, UVM. (April 13, 2018).