Jared Shaw Allen
Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business
Department of Management
703 Flint Ave, Lubbock, TX 79406
Ph.D. in Management
Orlando, Florida
University of Central Florida
Major: Entrepreneurship
Certificate in Advanced Quantitative Methodologies
University of Central Florida
Graduation: 2021
Orlando, Florida
B.A. Psychology
Arizona State University
Major: Psychology
Minor: Philosophy
Tempe, Arizona
Graduation: 2004
Tempe, AZ
ProFitness Training Studios 2005-2016
Owner/Manager Gilbert, AZ ProThings Apparel 2009-2015
Research areas of interest include entrepreneurial pivoting, personal characteristics in entrepreneurial
responses to failure, the role of cognition/affect in strategic and entrepreneurial judgment, and the role of
family dynamics in family businesses.
Stevenson, R.M., Allen, J., Wang., T. (2022) Failed but validated: The effect of market validation on
persistence and performance after a crowdfunding failure. Journal of Business Venturing.
Allen, J., Stevenson, R.M., Wang., T (2021). Creative and resourceful: How human, social, and psychological
resources affect creative workers’ ability to rebound after failure. Small Business Economics.
Allen, J., Stevenson, R.M, O’Boyle, E., Seibert, S (2020). Contrasting the effects of general mental ability
and emotional intelligence on firm performance: A meta-analysis. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Combs, J., Shanine, K , Burrows, S., Allen, J. Pounds, T. (2020). What do we know about business families?
Setting the stage for programmatically leveraging family science theories to advance family business
research. Family Business Review.
Skandera, D., Allen, J., Wang., T. Fail often, fail late: Learning from failure via managerial attention.
Round R&R Academy of Management Journal.
Allen, J., Combs, J., Carr, J., Michaelis, T., Joseph, D. Pivoting away from danger versus toward opportunity:
The case for survival pivots. 2
Round R&R Journal of Management.
Stevenson, R.M., Shepherd, D.A, & Allen, J. A review framework of entrepreneurs’ persuasive
communications to enroll stakeholders. 2
Round R&R Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Skandera, D., Wang., T., Allen, J., Waldron, T., Sganzerla, C. Social media exposure and innovation after
project failure: The role of managerial attention diffusion. Strategic Management Journal.
Glosenberg, A., Allen, J., O’Boyle, E. A meta-analysis of the gendered nature of the relationship between
entrepreneurial self-efficacy and success: Illuminating crucial methodological implications. Entrepreneurship
Theory and Practice.
Ahmed, S., Zahra, S., Allen, J. Pati, R. Intangible resource deployment: Learning from market performance
feedback. Strategy Science.
Ran, B., Gardner, B., Allen, J., Blake, A. Moral Emotions of Leaders: A Systematic Review and Meta-
analysis. Leadership Quarterly.
Stevenson, R.M., & Allen, J., Wang., T. (2023) Failing forward: Unsuccessful crowdfunding campaigns can
strengthen your venture. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange.
Stevenson, R.M., & Allen, J. (2023) What matters more for entrepreneurs: Book smarts or street smarts?
Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange.
Sewaid, A., Zahra, S., Allen, J.. Pati, R.. (2023) Intangible resource deployment: Learning from market
performance feedback. Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts.
Sganzerla, C., Allen, J. (2023) Incumbents’ Deadly Sin? Organizational Envy and the Response to
Competitive Threats. Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts.
Allen, J. Skandera, D., Sganzerla, C., Wang, T., Waldron, T. (2023) Social media and post-failure innovation
quality: Is managerial attention the missing link?. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference,
Knoxville, Tennessee
Allen, J., Skandera, D., Wang., T, Waldron, T. (2023) Social media and learning from failure: Is managerial
attention the missing link? USASBE, Tallahassee, Florida.
Sganzerla, C., Mitchell, R., Allen, J. (2022) Why entrepreneurial processes enable value creation in
entrepreneurial ecosystems. Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington.
Allen, J. (2022) Entrepreneurial emotional regulation, well-being and success. Academy of Management,
Seattle, Washington.
Allen, J., Pollack, J., O’Boyle, E., Stevenson, R.M. (2022) Eternal fire or persistent action: The relative
importance of entrepreneurial passion and persistence in various stages of business venturing. Babson
College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waco, Texas.
Allen, J., Combs, J., Carr, J., Michaelis, T., Joseph, D. (2022) Pivoting away from danger versus toward
opportunity: The case for survival pivots. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waco,
Allen, J., Joseph, D.L., Carr, J.C., Michaelis, T.L. (2020) I think I feel like pivoting? The role of cognition
and affect in pivoting decisions. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting. St. Pete, Florida.
Allen, J., Stevenson, R.M., Wang., T. (2020) The role of human, social, and psychological capital on creative
entrepreneurs pivoting decisions and the speed of pivoting. Symposium on Arts, Entrepreneurship, and
Innovation at Indiana SPEA, Bloomington Indiana. Conference attended virtually due to Coronavirus.
Allen, J., Stevenson, R.M, O’Boyle, E., & Seibert, S. (2020) Contrasting the effects of general mental ability
and emotional intelligence on firm performance: A meta-analysis. Accepted for presentation at 2020 Babson
College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee. Conference canceled due to
Allen, J. (2020) Dealing with the difficulties of entrepreneurship: A presentation for seed stage cohorts at the
Starter Studio startup accelerator program. Attended virtually due to Coronavirus.
Allen, J. (2020) Dealing with the difficulties of entrepreneurship: A presentation for idea stage cohorts at the
Starter Studio startup accelerator program. Attended virtually due to Coronavirus.
Allen, J., Stevenson, R.M., Wang, T. (2019) What does it take to pivot? Leveraging intangible resources for
pivoting. Southern Management Association Annual Meeting. Norfolk, Virginia.
Allen, J. (2018) Entrepreneurial pivoting in response to failure. Presented at the University of Central Florida,
Department of Management, Orlando, Florida.
Allen, J., Stevenson, R.M., Wang, T. (2017) Is project failure permanent? Entrepreneurial responses to
crowdfunding failure. Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference. Norman, Oklahoma.
Lassu, R., Allen, J., Piccolo, R. (2017) Job Design for Improved Health: How Alternative Job Characteristics
Influence Social Well-Being. Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
Allen, J. (2017) Growing through failure: The role of growth mindsets in entrepreneurial rebounding from
failure. Presented at the University of Central Florida, Department of Management, Orlando, Florida.
Allen, J., Pollack, J., O’Boyle, E., Stevenson, R.M. Eternal fire or persistent action: The relative importance
of entrepreneurial passion and persistence in various stages of business venturing. Journal of Management.
Allen, J., Joseph, D.L., Carr, J.C., Michaelis, T.L. I think I feel like pivoting? The role of cognition and affect
in pivoting decisions. Pilot study, study 1, and study 2 complete. Manuscript in progress. Target Journal of
Applied Psychology.
Schaefer J., Allen J., Pollack J., & O’Boyle E. Promoting venture success or preventing disaster: A meta-
analysis of regulatory focus in entrepreneurial contexts. Coding in progress. Target Journal of Business
Sganzerla C., & Allen J. Incumbents’ Deadly Sin? Organizational Envy and the Response to Competitive
Threats. Submitted to AOM 2023. Target Journal of Management
Sganzerla, C., Mitchell, R., & Allen, J. (2022) Why entrepreneurial processes enable value creation in
entrepreneurial ecosystems. Manuscript in progress. Target Academy of Management Journal.
Nittrouer C., Neubert E., & Allen J. Feeling special: Investigating the role of hiring special needs employees
impacts venture success. Data collection in progress. Target Academy of Management Journal.
Pounds, T., Allen J., & Combs, J. Feeling Entrepreneurial: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents of
Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy. Coding in progress. Target Journal of Business Venturing.
Neubert E., Allen J., Sganzerla C., & Pandy, P. Hyping up ventures: The role of self-fulfilling prophecies and
hustle in entrepreneurial hype. Conceptual stage. Target Journal of Business Venturing.
Inc. Magazine (2021)
Ladders (2021)
HR World (2021)
The Business Journal (2021) Lab Manager (2021)
Latestly (2021)
PsyPost (2020)
US Chamber of Commerce (2020) Eurek News (2020)
Fall 2017 Instructor, Strategy Capstone Lab (MAN 4720), University of Central Florida
Spring 2017 Instructor, Strategy Capstone Lab (MAN 4720), University of Central Florida
Fall 2019 Instructor, New Venture Design (ENT 4013), University of Central Florida
Spring 2020 Instructor, New Venture Design (ENT 4013), University of Central Florida
Summer 2020 Instructor, Strategy Capstone Lab (MAN 4720), University of Central Florida
Spring 2020 Instructor, Social Entrepreneurship (MAN 4503), University of Central Florida
Spring 2022 Instructor, Strategic Management (MGT 4380), Texas Tech University
Spring 2023 Instructor, New Value Creation (MGT 3375), Texas Tech University
Spring 2023 Instructor, Entrepreneurship PhD Seminar (MGT 6381), Texas Tech University
Best Reviewer Award in the AOM Entrepreneurship Division (2023).
Best Reviewer Award in the AOM Entrepreneurship Division (2022).
Best Doctoral Student Paper in the Entrepreneurship and Family Business Track for paper: Allen, J.,
Stevenson, R.M., Wang, T (2019) What Does it Take to Pivot? Leveraging Intangible Resources for Pivoting.
Southern Management Association. Norfolk, Virginia.
Academy of Management (AoM)
Entrepreneurship Division
Strategy Division
Southern Management Association (SMA)
Academy of Management Reviewer
Journal of Business Venturing Reviewer
Southern Management Association Reviewer
Small Business Economics Reviewer
Big XII Case Competition Judge Rawls College (2023)
Rawls College of Business Assessment Day Volunteer (2021, 2022)
Guest Speaker Rawls College of Business Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Course (2022): Dealing with the
difficulties of entrepreneurship
Guest Speaker Rawls College of Business MBA Course on Change and Innovation (2022): Individual and
firm level resiliency.
Guest Speaker Rawls College of Business Leadership Ph.D Seminar (2022): Entrepreneurial leadership
STEM MBA Technology Commercialization Class Presentation Judge (2022) Guest Speaker CARMA
(2022): Management Ph.D Orientation
Guest Speaker Carlson School of Management Entrepreneurship Ph.D Seminar (2021)
Guest Speaker CARMA (2021): My research journey. Guest Speaker CARMA (2021): Working with macro
Judge, 2018, 2019 Capstone Competition
Undergraduate Student Experience Committee (Texas Tech)
Research Committee (Texas Tech)
PhD Committee (Texas Tech)
Entrepreneurship & Family Business Center Committee (Texas Tech)
Entrepreneurship & Family Business Center Director Search Committee (Texas Tech)
Texas Tech University: Assistant Professor, 2021-Present