Tatiana R. Stettler
Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Room 520
College of Business Administration
Kent State University; Kent, OH 44242
E-mail: tstettle@kent.edu
Phone: 1 (330) 672 1264
Dr. rer. oec. in Management (2010-2014)
University of Bern, Switzerland
Certificate of Advanced Studies in High School Didactics (2010-2014)
University of Bern, Switzerland
Master of Science in Business Administration, Major in Management (2006-2010)
University of Bern, Switzerland
Postgraduate Diploma in Hotel and Tourism Management (2004-2005)
Hotel and Tourism Management Institute, Switzerland
Higher Degree in Marketing (2000-2006)
Saratov State Socio-Economical University, Russia
Strategic Orientations: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Learning Orientation
Entrepreneurial Teams, Relational Capital
“Firm-Level Strategic Orientation and Performance: A Synthesis and Extension of the Knowledge
Base on Entrepreneurial, Market and Learning Orientation”, Strategic Management Series,
Hamburg: Kovac Verlag, 2015.
“Synthesizing the Knowledge Base on Strategic Orientations: A Meta-Analysis” with Simone A.
Schweiger and Artur Baldauf (Strategic Management Journal, second round of revision)
“Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: A Comparative Longitudinal Study in
Developed and Emerging Countries” with Galina Shirokova, Karina Borgatyreva, and Artur
Baldauf (target journal: British Journal of Management)
Complementary effects of strategic orientations on firm performance: The moderating role of
environmental hostility” with Tatiana Beliaeva and Galina Shirokova (target journal: European
Management Review)
Conference Presentations
Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A.; Baldauf, Artur. “Synthesis and Extension of
the Knowledge Base on Entrepreneurial Orientation” (GSOM Emerging Markets Conference
2015 St. Petersburg, Russia; October 2015).
Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur. “Does High Innovativeness Always Lead to High
Performance? A Longitudinal Investigation of the Necessary Conditions” (2015 Babson College
Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, MA; June 2015).
Wuethrich, Adrian; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, A. “New Venture Team Composition
- A Configurational Approach” (2015 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference –
Wellesley, MA; June 2015).
Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Baldauf, Artur. “Performance Effects from Corporate
Innovativeness and Learning: A Longitudinal Investigation” (Strategic Management Society
Special Conference, St. Gallen, Switzerland, forthcoming in May 2015).
Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Shirokova, Galina; Bogatyreva, Karina; Baldauf, Artur. “A
Longitudinal Cross-Country Study of Entrepreneurial Orientation.” Academy of Management
2014 Annual Meeting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Paper accepted for presentation, August
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana. “Investigating an
Organization's Learning Orientation in the Multi-Facet EO-Performance Relationship.” United
States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conferenc – Fort Worth,
USA (Paper accepted for presentation, January 2014).
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana. “The Roles of Strategic
Orientations: A Configurational Perspective on Strategic Fit.” Strategic Management Society
Special Conference Tel Aviv, Israel (Paper accepted for presentation, March 2014).
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Shirokova, Galina. “Multi-Dimensional View on
Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Longitudinal Cross-Country Study of Environmental and
Performance Effects”. 2013 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference – Lyon,
France (Paper accepted for presentation, June 2013).
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. “Core Strategic Orientations:
A Meta-analysis of their Interplay and Firm Performance Relationship.” Academy of Management
2012 Annual Conference Boston, Massachusetts (Paper accepted for presentation, August 2012).
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. “Innovativeness,
Proactiveness and Risk-taking: More than Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation?” Babson
College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Fort Worth, Texas (Paper accepted for
presentation, June 2012).
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. Successful Entrepreneurial
Teams and Relational Capital: The Role of Communal Schemas and Contracting Practices.”
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference – Fort Worth, Texas (Paper accepted for
presentation, June 2012).
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. “Alternative Concepts of Fit
among Innovativeness, Proactiveness and Risk-Taking, in Explaining Firm Performance.
Strategic Management Society Special Conference Singapore (Paper accepted for presentation,
June 2012).
Baldauf, Artur; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana; Schweiger, Simone A. “Learning Orientation: Its
Interaction with the Three Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Impact on
Performance.” United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 26th Annual
Conference New Orleans, Louisiana (Paper accepted for presentation, January 2012).
Baldauf, Artur; Schweiger, Simone A.; Romanova Stettler, Tatiana. “Toward Construct Clarity
and Validity in Firm-Level Entrepreneurship Research.” Strategic Management Society 31st
Annual International Conference – Miami, Florida (Paper accepted for presentation, November
Seminar on research process, (2015), Karl Wennberg (Bern, Switzerland)
Doctoral seminar on process research, (2014), Haridimos Tsoukas (Bern, Switzerland)
Structural Equation Modelling, Advanced Course, (2012), Lugano summer school on research
methods, Peter Schmidt, Eldad Davidov (Lugano, Switzerland)
Structural Equation Modelling, Basic Course, (2012), Franz Kellermanns, Laura Stanley (Bern,
Doctoral consortium, 2012 USASBE (New Orleans, USA)
Meta-Analysis II, (2011), online course, Michael Borenstein
Meta-Analysis I, (2011), online course, Michael Borenstein
Doctoral seminar, (2011), Scott Shane (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Doctoral seminar, (2011), Gregory Dess (Bern, Switzerland)
Doctoral seminar, (2010), G. Tomas M. Hult (Bern, Switzerland)
EDEN Doctoral seminar on methods, techniques and theories in entrepreneurship and
innovation, (2010), European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (Brussels,
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Fall 2015, 27056-002, CRN 13622)
Overview: Undergraduate course on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, 80 students.
Responsibilities: coordination of the course, teaching, assistance to the students in preparation of
the final pitch and business idea summary.
Strategic Dilemmas in Entrepreneurship (Fall 2015, co-teaching with Prof. Sergey Anokhin,
Overview: Undergraduate course on the trade-offs and dilemmas in entrepreneurship, 25 students.
Responsibilities: coordination of the course, teaching, grading.
Business Research (Spring 2015)
Overview: Core Master course on business research methods including primary data collection (n
= 13, multiple respondents per firms), 20 students.
Responsibilities: coordination of the course, teaching, assistance to the students in preparation of
the final presentation and research report.
Business Research (Spring 2013)
Overview: Core Master course on business research methods including primary data collection (n
= 65, top managers), 30 students
Responsibilities: coordination of the course, design and administration of the online questionnaire,
practical sequence “Introduction in SPSS”, assistance to the students in preparation of the final
presentation and research report.
Case Studies in Management (Fall 2012)
Overview: Optional Master course on business analytics including primary data collection (n = 568
points of sale), 29 students and 6 employees working on the project
Responsibilities: coordination of the course and of the overarching research project, practical
sequence “Introduction in SPSS”, assistance to the students in preparation, preparation of a report
to the management
Case Studies in Management (Fall 2011)
(see above)
Reviewing and feedback to the participants of the Doctoral Colloquium, GSOM Emerging
Markets Conference 2015 St. Petersburg, Russia; October 2015
Reviewer for the Academy of Management Annual Conference (2015)
Reviewer for the Academy of Management Annual Conference (2012)
Assistant Professor (Since Aug 2015)
Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Kent State University
Kent, OH
Senior Research Assistant (2015)
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland
Research Assistant and Doctoral Student (2010-2014)
Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland
Junior Assistant (2007-2010)
Department of Management, University of Bern
Bern, Switzerland
Marketing Specialist (2006)
Volna Hotel
Saratov, Russia
Intern (2005)
Kempinsky Grand Hotel des Bains
St. Moritz, Switzerland
Eduard Adolf Stein Prize for an excellent dissertation, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social
Sciences, University of Bern
SPSS, AMOS, CMA (Comprehensive Meta Analysis)
Fluent spoken and written Russian, English, German and French