The Graduate Student Handbook is your guide to the academic and financial policies and guidelines you are
expected to maintain as a student of the F. W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College. Additionally,
the College has set forth behavioral expectations in the Babson College Student Code of Ethics.
You should
consider these two guides as essential references. You will ofte referred to these documents as they outline the
responsibilities and expectations for each Babson student and community member. Part of these
responsibilities is to take the time to become familiar with these documents; they will provide information and
answer many questions you may have about the College and the College’s behavioral expectations.
You are required to know the policies and procedures set forth in both the Graduate Student Handbook and
Babson College Student Code of Ethics. Babson College reserves the right to change policies, procedures and
requirements as deemed necessary, and without notice. All policy updates can be found in the most current
versions of the Graduate Student Handbook and/or Babson College Student Code of Ethics, which can be
accessed via the BabsonHub.
This handbook was last updated on August 23, 2024
Babson College prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, and veteran or other protected status. This policy extends to all
rights, privileges, programs, and activities, including admission, employment, education, and athletics. In addition,
Babson College respects, values, and benefits from diversity in the College community. The College, through the
president, vice presidents, and deans, requests that all members of the community support efforts that reinforce the
value of diversity throughout the curriculum and all aspects of campus life.
Table of Contents
ACADEMIC POLICIES ................................................................................................................................................ 6
GRADING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................. 6
ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................... 6
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 7
DEGREE TIME LIMIT .......................................................................................................................................... 7
SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS................................................................................................................ 7
SEMESTER AND MODULE GRADES ..................................................................................................................... 7
INCOMPLETE GRADES ....................................................................................................................................... 7
FAILING GRADES ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Certificates ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
GRADE DISPUTES .............................................................................................................................................. 8
ORIENTATION ................................................................................................................................................... 9
CLASS ATTENDANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 9
RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE ................................................................................................................................... 9
CANCELLATION OF CLASSES ............................................................................................................................. 10
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 10
INTERNATIONAL REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................................... 10
ONLINE ELECTIVES .......................................................................................................................................... 11
MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIELD EXPERIENCE (MCFE) .................................................................................. 11
INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ................................................................................................................................ 11
BABSON ELECTIVES ABROAD ........................................................................................................................... 11
SEMESTER ABROAD ........................................................................................................................................ 12
CONCENTRATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 12
ADVANCED STANDING CREDIT ........................................................................................................................ 12
Policy for the Part-time MBA Program ............................................................................................................. 12
Policy for the Full-time MBA Programs ............................................................................................................. 13
Policy for Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) Program ................................................................... 13
Policy for Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program ..................................................................................... 13
Policy for Certificate Program .......................................................................................................................... 13
WAIVER EXAM POLICIES ................................................................................................................................. 13
The following information on waiver exams applies only to the Part-time MBA program. ................................... 13
Policy for the Certificate of Advanced Management Program ............................................................................ 14
POST-MATRICULATION TRANSFER CREDIT ....................................................................................................... 14
Policy for the Full-time MBA Programs ............................................................................................................. 14
Policy for the Part-time MBA Program ............................................................................................................. 14
Policy for the MSEL Program ........................................................................................................................... 14
Policy for Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program ...................................................................................... 15
Policy for Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) Program .................................................................... 15
SECOND DEGREE POLICY and BABSON EARNED CREDIT .................................................................................... 15
Applying CAM credits to the MSF or MSBA ....................................................................................................... 15
Applying CAM credits to the MBA .................................................................................................................... 15
Applying MBA credits to the MSF or MSBA ....................................................................................................... 15
Applying MSF or MSBA credits to the MBA ....................................................................................................... 16
Applying Non-Degree credits toward a future degree ....................................................................................... 16
Applying MSAEL Credits toward a future degree ............................................................................................... 16
DEFINITION OF TERMS .................................................................................................................................... 16
SEMESTER WORKLOADS ................................................................................................................................. 17
EXAMINATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 17
DEPARTMENT OF ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES (DAS) .............................................................................................. 18
Exam Accommodations ................................................................................................................................... 18
Recording Classes ........................................................................................................................................... 19
ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING GOALS .................................................................................................................. 19
MBA Learning Goals ........................................................................................................................................ 19
MSEL (MSM in Entrepreneurial Leadership) Learning Goals ............................................................................... 20
MSAEL (MS in Advanced Entrepreneurial Leadership) Learning Goals ................................................................ 20
MSF (MS in Finance) Learning Goals ................................................................................................................. 20
MSBA (MS in Business Analytics) Learning Goals ............................................................................................... 21
AUDIT POLICY ................................................................................................................................................. 21
TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS ................................................................................................................................... 21
SEPARATIONS FROM THE COLLEGE .................................................................................................................. 22
Leave of Absence ............................................................................................................................................ 22
International Students .................................................................................................................................... 22
Administrative Withdrawal ............................................................................................................................. 22
Military Activation .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Voluntary Medical Withdrawal (“VMW”) ......................................................................................................... 24
College-initiated Medical Withdrawal (“CIMW”)............................................................................................... 24
Emergency Interim Medical Withdrawal (“EIMW”) ........................................................................................... 25
Return from Voluntary, College-initiated, or Emergency Interim Medical Withdrawal ........................................ 26
Appeals Process .............................................................................................................................................. 27
FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) ............................................................................... 28
RESTRICTING THE RELEASE OF DIRECTORY INFORMATION ................................................................................ 30
Additional Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 31
PROGRAM TRANSFER AND STATUS CHANGES .................................................................................................. 31
REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Course Changes .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Deadlines for Adding or Dropping from Courses ............................................................................................... 32
Deadlines for Withdrawing from Courses ......................................................................................................... 32
ONLINE COURSE LISTING ................................................................................................................................. 32
SCHEDULE CONFIRMATION ............................................................................................................................. 32
GRADUATION HONORS ................................................................................................................................... 33
TUITION, FEES, PAYMENT POLICIES, AND FINANCIAL AID ....................................................................................... 34
TUITION AND OTHER EXPENSES ....................................................................................................................... 34
BILLING PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................................... 34
PAYMENT METHODS ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Late Payment Penalties ................................................................................................................................... 35
Refunds of Credit Balances .............................................................................................................................. 35
Refund Advances ............................................................................................................................................ 35
FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS ............................................................................................................................. 36
Federal Student Aid ........................................................................................................................................ 37
COMMUNITY STANDARDS .................................................................................................................................... 39
The F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College uses one grading system for all programs.
The official grades and their numerical values are:
A- 3.67 B 3.00 C 2.00
To be eligible for a Babson graduate degree or certificate students must attain a minimum 2.80
cumulative grade point average (GPA), based on a 4.00 scale, on all credits earned in the F.W. Olin
Graduate School of Business. The minimum required number of credits earned by each program is as
Two-Year MBA
15 credits
30 credits
45 credits
One-Year MBA
15 credits
30 credits
45 credits
Part-time MBA
18 credits
27 credits
45 credits
Blended Learning MBA - Miami
46 credits
46 credits
Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial
Leadership (MSEL)
30 credits
0 credits
30 credits
Master of Science in Advanced Entrepreneurial
Leadership (MSAEL)
27 credits
3 credits
30 credits
Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)*
18 credits
12 credits
30 credits
Master of Science in Finance (MSF)*
15 credits
15 credits
30 credits
Certificate of Advanced Management (CAM)
0-15 credits
9-15 credits
* Students in the MSBA and MSF Programs must complete their elective credits from a list of approved
course options.
Please note that the degree will be granted in the semester in which the student has met all academic
course requirements and where the student is in good standing in all respects.
Maximum Number of years allowed to complete program
8 Years from entry date
4 Years from entry date
4 Years from entry date
4 Years from entry date
4 Years from entry date
3 Years from entry date
Students eligible to take a leave of absence should keep in mind the program-specific time limit is still in
An exception to the degree time limit requirement may be made at the sole discretion of the Office of
Graduate Academic Services in unusual circumstances where compelling cause is demonstrated.
After each semester and module, the Academic Standards Committee (ASC) reviews the standing of all
students whose cumulative GPA is below 2.80, who receive a failing grade or an incomplete grade in a
course, or who receive a deliverable and/or course grade adjustment due to ineffective teamwork or failure
to demonstrate collaborative teamwork. The ASC may in its discretion dismiss or issue a warning to any
student in these cases. The ASC in its discretion may also mandate that a student take additional course work
during the elective portion of the program to prove proficiency in the areas where the faculty has determined
the student has not mastered the core skills. The committee will determine the criteria and conditions for
continued study in all instances and communicate these in writing to the student. In all cases, students are
responsible for the additional costs associated with taking additional courses.
Dismissal Policy: The decision to dismiss a student can occur at any time in the course of their studies if it is
the consensus of the ASC in its discretion that continued study is not advisable. Students have the right to
pursue one appeal of the dismissal decision of the ASC to the Graduate School Associate Dean of Programs,
whose decision is final. If a student is dismissed, the degree will not be awarded. Contact the Office of
Graduate Academic Services for details.
Course grades are available online on Workday under the Grades section, generally within two weeks of
the examination period. Students may not repeat a course for which they earn a passing grade.
A status of “Incomplete” (“I”) may be given to a student only when there is documented evidence of a valid
reason for failure to complete the work required in a course (e.g., sickness, death in family). Students who
receive an “I” must consult with the instructor to determine the work required to remove the “I.” Faculty
may administer makeup examinations for this purpose. The instructor will submit the new grade to the
Registrar’s Office after the student has fulfilled all course requirements.
An “I” must be cleared (by taking a makeup exam or submitting missing work) before the last class of the next
semester in which the student is registered. If the student is not registered in the semester after the “I” is
recorded, the student will have either 12 calendar months or until the end of the next semester for which
they are registered, whichever occurs first, to resolve the “I.” Incomplete courses that fulfill prerequisites for
the following semester must be completed 72 hours before the end of the add/drop period. This earlier
deadline provides faculty time to grade the outstanding work or exam and submit the final grades to the
Registrar’s Office before the end of add/drop. Students who do not make up incomplete work within the
specified time period will receive the instructor’s final grade based on normal course requirements, with a
numerical value of “0” calculated into the final grade for all items that remain incomplete.
Students must earn passing grades in all required courses. If a grade of “F” is earned in a required course,
that course must be repeated. If a grade of “F” is earned in an elective course, the student must either
repeat the course or successfully pass another elective. In any case where a student receives an “F,” the
original “F” grade and any subsequent passing grade are both factored into the student’s cumulative GPA.
The original “F” grade will remain on the student’s transcript.
MBA students who complete all course requirements with a GPA below 2.80 may be permitted to take up to
4.5 additional credits to raise it at the discretion of the Academic Standards Committee. MS students may be
permitted to take MBA elective courses (up to 3 credits) to raise their GPA with the approval of the Academic
Standards Committee. If the student fails to raise their GPA to 2.80, the degree will not be awarded.
In all cases, students are responsible for the additional costs associated with taking these courses.
In the CAM program, if a grade of “F” is earned in any course the student will be dismissed from the College
and the certificate will not be awarded.
Requests for a review of a grade in any course, regardless if a final exam was given or not, must be
presented to the faculty member before the last day of classes of the fall or spring semester immediately
following the semester in which the grade was earned. This policy applies to all students regardless of the
student’s status in the following semester. Please note a different policy applies to Incomplete grades.
The following procedure should be followed in a grade dispute:
1. The student should first contact the faculty member(s) involved to discuss the matter. The purpose of
the meeting is to check the accuracy of the grading process (confirming how the final grade was
determined and the percentage of each deliverable in the final grade; and catching errors, if any, in the
faculty grade sheets) and for the student to learn about their inadequacies and strong points. This
procedure does not require the professor and student to agree on the final result. The obligation is
simply to help the student understand the faculty’s process in determining the grade.
2. If the issue is not resolved, the student should then contact the respective division chair and file a
written appeal explaining the student’s position. The division chair will consider the appeal and issue a
decision with reasonable promptness.
3. If the issue remains unresolved, the student should then appeal to the Associate Dean of Programs,
whose decision is final and not subject to appeal.
All students entering the MBA, MS, or CAM programs are required to attend and fully participate in all
orientation and onboarding activities and tasks. Onboarding and orientation may require either or both
online and in-person attendance. The purpose of orientation is to introduce students to Babson’s
approach to instruction and may also include required academic pre-work. Students who complete all
required tasks are better prepared to begin Babson’s rigorous graduate programs. Students who fail to
attend orientation, or fail to complete required tasks by their deadline, may be withdrawn from the F.W.
Olin Graduate School of Business at the discretion of Graduate Admissions.
Faculty may and often do include class participation as a significant component in calculating a student’s
course grade. Therefore, students should plan to attend all class sessions, whether in person or virtual, to
avoid repercussions up to and including failing the course. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the
faculty before being absent unless the student is physically unable to do so (e.g. due to extreme illness or
accident). Please note that the graduate school does not offer excused absences. Rather, notification of an
absence fosters communication and respect between students and faculty. Students are still responsible for
any consequences associated with missing class time. Students who may need to miss more than one class
session, whether for illness or personal circumstances, are advised to meet with an academic advisor in
Graduate Academic Services to determine their options which may include taking a Leave of Absence. Please
see the Examinations and Grades section for policies related to attendance for final exams.
Blended Learning Miami program and Blended Learning format courses: Attendance at all Face-to-Face
sessions in Blended Learning format courses is required. Students facing unexpected and/or extenuating
circumstances may request to miss a Face-to-Face session by contacting the Faculty Director. Students
should plan their schedules carefully as conflicts such as having an appointment during class time are not
approved absences. Students are further advised that even when approved, absences will often result in
significant make-up work as well as a reduced class participation grade as the Face-to-Face session is
integral to successful completion of Blended Learning format courses. Students who find themselves
needing to miss a Face-to-Face session are strongly advised to seek guidance from an academic advisor
prior to requesting to miss to a F2F. Not all situations will merit an approved absence and in some cases
students may be better served by taking a Leave of Absence.
Babson College welcomes and values people and their perspectives and respects the interests of all members
of the community. Babson recognizes the breadth of religious observance among students, faculty, and staff
and the potential for conflict with scheduled components of the academic experience. Students are expected
to review their syllabi and notify faculty within two weeks of the course’s start of potential conflicts between
course requirements and religious observances. In such an event, the instructor will provide reasonable
accommodations that do not unduly disadvantage the student.
Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 151C, Section 2B: “Any student in an educational or vocational training
institution, other than a religious or denominational educational or vocational training institution, who is
unable, because of his religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work
requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination or study or work requirement,
and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement that he
may have missed because of such absence on any particular day; provided, however, that such makeup
examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon such school. No fees of any kind shall be
charged by the institution for making available to the said student such opportunity.
No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his availing himself of the provisions of
this section.”
Members of the college’s Crisis Response Team have developed a plan to monitor and address
potential inclement weather providing for the safety and security of members of the Babson
With over 85% of our undergraduate students living on campus, the College generally remains open during
inclement weather. In rare circumstances, the College determines school closure or delay based on 1. State of
Emergency declared by the Governor and/or 2. Severe weather conditions that make it difficult to keep the
campus roads and parking lots cleared. Since safety is the College’s highest priority, students are advised to
exercise their own judgment regarding traveling to campus during inclement weather and to communicate
directly with their professors about specific issues regarding travel. Staff and faculty are also advised to
exercise their own judgment regarding traveling to work or remaining at home and some may choose to
schedule class through WebEx or other available systems during inclement weather.
Courses that are taught in either a wholly online or Blended Learning format will not be cancelled but will
move to an alternative delivery format. This includes closures that occur during a F2F session. In these
circumstances students are expected to be available from the safety of their home, hotel, or office for
Virtual Classroom sessions which will be conducted in lieu of the in-person F2F. If the campus is closed
students may not come to campus. Students are expected to follow the instructions of Babson staff who will
email updates and directions in the event of a campus closure.
During inclement weather, members of the Babson community can obtain updates regarding advisories
and the status of College operations by accessing the Babson homepage, INFO phone line 781-239-4636,
the www.babson.edu/emergency-preparedness
website, and local news and radio channels (WBZ/Channel
4/WBZ 1030 AM, WHDH/Channel 7/WRKO 680 AM, WCVB/Channel 5, WFXT/Fox 25).
Full time enrollment: International students in F-1 or J-1 immigration status are required to be enrolled full
time as defined by the College in order to maintain their lawful immigration status. Full-time enrollment at
Babson consists of at least 12 credits per semester for the One-Year MBA, Two-Year MBA, Blended Learning
Miami MBA, and MSEL programs; and 9 credits for the MSF, MSBA, and CAM programs. Students can be
under the full-time enrollment during their final semester.
Change of address: International students in F-1/J-1 immigration status are required to update their U.S. residential address
with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security within 10 days of any change. This can be done through the Immigration
Address Reporting link found at www.babson.edu/isss
Employment Authorization: International students in F-1/J-1 immigration status must get authorization prior
to engaging in employment in the U.S. Specific work authorization (typically in the form of Curricular Practical
Training [CPT] for F-1 status or Academic Training [AT] for J-1 status) is required before engaging in most
internships (even if the position is unpaid). More information can be found at
The International Requirement is required for fulltime MBA students who entered in Fall 2018 or earlier.
Two-Year and One-Year MBA students are required to develop a global business perspective through first-
hand international experience. Two-Year and One-Year students must fulfill the Foundation MBA
International Requirement before graduation by participating in one of the following learning activities:
Babson’s project- based experiential learning courses or internships providing cross-cultural workplace
immersion, the Babson Electives Abroad, the Semester Abroad Program, or by completing an international
independent research project that has been approved by the Office of Graduate Academic Services. Two-
Year and One-Year students with substantial international experience may be able to waive the International
Requirement at the foundation level; such exemptions are determined on a case-by-case basis by the Office
of Graduate Academic Services.
With the exception of residents of the State of Florida, domestic students in the part-time MBA program may
choose to complete 100% of their electives online.
International students enrolled in fulltime programs are eligible to enroll in up to3 credits (or 1 course) per
semester in a blended or online course. For specific modality allowances review information at
Graduate MCFE projects are offered every semester to different student populations. Each project is 3
credits and is team based. Students may participate in a maximum of two projects; the projects must be
held in different sessions. Students may not participate in two experiential learning projects
simultaneously. The Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) will send a project catalog to students. Students
must be in good academic standing and apply by the specified deadline to be considered. Students in the
MSBA program are not eligible to participate in MCFE.
Prior to applying for a MCFE project:
Part-time MBA students must have completed at least 12 credits of core
One-Year and Two-Year MBA students must have completed the Babson Consulting Experience
core course
MSAEL students must have completed or be enrolled concurrently in at least 9 credits of core
MSF students are eligible to complete Finance approved projects only
Additional Information regarding Graduate Experiential Learning can be found at
Independent research is an individual effort and may be undertaken for academic credit with the prior
approval of the student’s faculty advisor, the appropriate division chair, and the Office of Graduate Academic
Services. The student is responsible for recruiting their own faculty advisor and obtaining the advisor’s
consent and commitment before applying for an independent research project. Students work closely with
the faculty advisor throughout the project. Authorization for an independent research project requires
writing and submitting a formal proposal in accordance with the standards set forth by the F.W. Olin
Graduate School of Business. Each independent research project conducted as an elective can provide
1.5 or 3 course credits. If a student wishes to complete more than 3 credits of independent research, they
may contract for more than one project and can receive a maximum of 6 elective credits toward the degree
for all independent research project(s). All students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 to qualify.
Any student interested in registering for independent research should visit the student portal for more
To pursue independent research:
Part-time MBA students must have completed at least 12 credits of core
One-Year and Two-Year MBA students must have completed their first semester of core.
The 3-credit elective abroad courses are scheduled during winter, spring, or summer breaks. These
electives are open to all MBA students who have met these eligibility requirements:
One-Year and Two-Year MBA students must have completed their first semester of core
Part-time MBA students must have completed at least 12 credits of core
International Students: International students in F-1/J-1 immigration status should consult with an
international student advisor in the Glavin Office before enrolling in a Babson Electives Abroad course to
determine if there are any U.S. immigration implications (i.e. full-time status, program completion date,
When approved, MBA students may pursue a semester abroad. Credit may be granted only for elective courses taken at a
Babson partner business school when a grade of “C” or better has been earned and the Office of Graduate Academic Services
has received the official transcript. Note: only credit is transferred, not grades. The student’s Babson transcript will record
study abroad credit with an asterisk (*). The Babson GPA does not include grades for courses taken during the semester
abroad.Therefore, students will have the same GPA when they return from overseas as they had before they left.
In addition, with prior approval, students may pursue a semester abroad program at an accredited institution
of their own choosing with the permission of the Office of Graduate Academic Services. Courses taken during
a study abroad program not affiliated with a Babson partner business school will follow post- matriculation
transfer credit policies.
In all cases, whether through the Semester Abroad program at a partner institution or through Post-
Matriculation Transfer Credit at a non-partner school, MBA students are limited to one semester (12 credits)
of non-residential credit.
MBA Students may declare a concentration once they are registered for the first semester at Babson. If
declaring a concentration it must be declared by the stated deadline in the student’s final semester.
MBA students may declare up to two concentrations but can only double count 3 credits across the two
concentrations. Concentrations are not degree requirements and students will not be able to delay their
graduation due to outstanding concentration requirements. Concentrations are not printed on diplomas.
Concentrations may not be retroactively declared post-graduation. Additional details of the MBA
concentrations, including declaration deadlines, can be found on the Student Hub.
Advanced Standing Credit (ASC) is credit for courses taken at another institution prior to applying to and
being accepted at Babson College. Not all courses will be accepted for ASC. ASC will be reviewed during
the application process and students will be notified at the time of acceptance by Graduate Admissions of
any course that has been approved for ASC. Students must resolve all questions about advanced standing
credit with Graduate Admissions during their first semester at Babson. Should a student’s request for
advanced standing credit be denied or requested after their first semester, the student will be required to
successfully complete the course at Babson. Students cannot take courses for which they have received
advanced standing credit without first obtaining approval from the Office of Graduate Academic Services.
In those rare cases in which approval is given, the advanced standing credit will be rescinded, whereby
the previously granted credit hours are removed from the student’s transcript.
Policies for specific programs are outlined below.
Policy for the Part-time MBA Program
The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the Part-time MBA program.
To receive advanced standing credit, the student must have earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally
or regionally accredited college or university in the United States, or in a comparable international program,
within five years of entering the Part-time MBA program.
Policy for the Full-time MBA Programs
The following information on advanced standing credit applied only the Full-time MBA programs.
In rare circumstances, students may request prior academic coursework be applied to the elective
requirements of the One-Year or Two-Year MBA program pending approval from the faculty director and the
Office of Graduate Admissions. To receive advanced standing credit, the student must have earned a grade of
“B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university in the United States or in a
comparable international program within five years of entering the Full-time MBA program. When approved,
credit will only be awarded for electives; no credit will be awarded for core requirements which must be
completed at Babson College with the entering cohort.
Policy for Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) Program
The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the MSBA program.
In rare circumstances, students may request prior academic coursework be applied to the MSBA program
pending approval from the faculty director and Office of Graduate Admissions. The maximum amount of
advanced standing credit that MSBA students may be granted is 6 credits. Advanced standing credit for
MSBA elective courses is determined by equivalent graduate course work and based upon approval from
Graduate Admissions and the MSBA faculty director. To receive advanced standing credit, the student must
have earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or university in the
United States or in a comparable international program within two years of entering the MSBA program.
Policy for Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program
The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the MSF program.
In rare circumstances, students may request prior academic coursework be applied to the MSF program
pending approval from the faculty director and the Office of Graduate Admissions. The maximum amount of
advanced standing credit that MSF students may be granted is 6 credits. To receive advanced standing credit,
the student must have earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or regionally accredited college or
university in the United States or in a comparable international program within two years of entering the
MSF program.
Policy for Certificate Program
The following information on advanced standing credit applies only to the Certificate program.
Certificate students are not eligible to receive advanced standing credit. Students who have completed
equivalent undergraduate or graduate coursework and earned a grade of “B” or better from a nationally or
regionally accredited college or university within the last 5 years, and/or have passed the CPA, CFA, or
CMA exam may be eligible to receive a waiver in order to meet prerequisite requirements. Students who
have passed the CPA, CFA, or CMA will need to submit a copy of their exam results to Graduate
Policy for the Part-time MBA Program
The following information on waiver exams applies only to the Part-time MBA program.
Waiver examinations: Students may receive credit for certain core courses by passing a waiver examination.
All waiver exams must be completed prior to enrolling in a course for which it is a prerequisite. Waiver exams
are pass/fail. Grades are not awarded for passing waiver exams and will not appear on the students’
academic record. Students have one opportunity to sit for a waiver exam. If the student fails the exam they
must subsequently complete the course. For more detailed information on the waiver examination process,
please visit http://studentportal.babson.edu/content/waiver-exams.
Waiver exams are offered for the following courses: ACC7800, MKT7800, QTM7800, OIM7800, and FIN7800.
Policy for the Certificate of Advanced Management Program
The following information on waiver exams applies only to the Certificate of Advanced
Management program.
Students may prove content competency for certain core courses by passing a waiver exam. By passing a
waiver exam, students become eligible to register for upper-level electives for which the waiver exam
course is a prerequisite. Waiver exams are pass/fail. Credits and grades are not awarded for passing
waiver exams and will not appear on the students’ academic record for the CAM program. All waiver
exams must be completed in the student’s first semester of the program. If a student has missed the
waiver exam deadline but would like their situation to be considered for approval, they must contact the
Office of Graduate Academic Services to review the request with an academic advisor. Waiver exams are
not available for elective courses.
If a CAM student passes a waiver exam and later decides to enroll in the Part-time MBA program, the waiver
exam credit will be applied towards the Part-time MBA degree. Waiver exam credit is valid for up to 5 years.
Waiver exams may be offered for the following courses: ACC7800, MKT7800, QTM7800, OIM7800, and
Graduate students are expected to complete all degree requirements in residence at Babson. Transfer
credit for courses taken elsewhere after matriculation will be granted only in cases in which a student
relocates (making the commuting distance to Babson impossible), or in certain other rare situations
deemed appropriate by the Office of Graduate Academic Services at its discretion. Students wishing to
apply for PMTC should be sure they have not previously used up their maximum transfer credit via ASC,
BEC, TIO, etc. Please note: students enrolled in the Certificate of Advanced Management Program are
not permitted to transfer in credit post-matriculation.
Post-matriculation transfer credit for elective courses may be granted only for those offered in a
graduate-level degree-granting program comparable to AACSB-accredited or EQUIS-accredited schools,
where the courses are substantially dissimilar in content to Babson elective courses, when a grade of “B”
or better has been earned, and the Office of Graduate Academic Services has received the official
transcript. The Office of Graduate Academic Services will coordinate with the appropriate division to
determine approval of post-matriculation transfer credit requests. Exceptions to this policy may be made
in rare circumstances by appeal to the Associate Dean of Programs.
All requests for approval to undertake coursework for post-matriculation transfer credit must be
submitted to the Office of Graduate Academic Services and approved in writing before registering at
another institution. Note, the acceptance of credits or degrees earned at Babson for transfer credit to
another institution is at the discretion of the transfer institution.
Policy for the Full-time MBA Programs
The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to students in the One-Year and
Two-Year MBA programs is 12 elective credits, provided the student has completed the core.
Policy for the Part-time MBA Program
The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to Part-time MBA students is 12
credits, provided the student has met the minimum residency requirement of completing at least half of
the total degree requirements of the Part-time MBA program at Babson.
Policy for the MSEL Program
Students in the MSEL Program are not allowed to apply for post-matriculation transfer credit unless
approved in advance by the MSEL Faculty Director for courses required to demonstrate academic
Policy for Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program
The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to MSF students is 6 credits,
provided the student has met the minimum residency requirement (MSF Core) of the MSF program. The
combination of advanced standing credit and post-matriculation transfer credit may not exceed 6 credits.
Policy for Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) Program
The maximum post-matriculation transfer credit that may be granted to MSBA students is 6 credits,
provided the student has met the minimum residency requirement (MSBA Core) of the MSBA program.
The combination of advanced standing credit and post-matriculation transfer credit may not exceed 6
Neither enrollment in, nor completion of, a previous Babson credential guarantees admission into a
future Babson graduate certificate or degree program. Students who have successfully completed a
prior Babson graduate-level credential and are accepted into a second graduate degree program may be
granted Babson Earned Credit (BEC) according to the below guidelines. No credit will be given for core
requirements in the One-Year MBA, Two-Year MBA, or Blended Learning Miami MBA programs. Students
may not transfer MBA or MS credits to the CAM; however, CAM credits may be applied to MBA or MS
degrees (see details below). Credits will be denoted on the student’s transcript with an asterisk and
grades from previous credentials will not be calculated into the GPA.
In no circumstance may a student apply more than the total credit limit. The credit limits listed below
are inclusive of ASC, BEC, TIO, PMTC, and waiver exams as applicable to the specific program. For
example, if a student in the Part-time MBA program comes in with 18 credits of ASC and BEC they are not
eligible to sit for waiver exams nor are they eligible to apply for PMTC.
Credits earned at Babson College may be applied to up to two Babson credentials. For example, a student
who completes the Certificate of Advanced Management and earns 9 credits may subsequently apply the
credits to the MBA. The student may not then apply those same credits a third time to one of the MS
degrees. Students considering a second or third credential are strongly encouraged to discuss their
academic plans with the Office of Graduate Academic Services prior to enrollment.
Applying CAM credits to the MSF or MSBA
Students who earn the Certificate of Advanced Management and are accepted into either the MSF or MSBA
program may bring in up to 12 Babson Earned Credits to the selected MS degree provided the specific courses
apply to the selected degree and the credits have been earned within five years of starting the new degree
program. Neither enrollment in nor completion of the Babson graduate certificate guarantees admission into
a future Babson graduate degree program. Credits will be denoted on the student’s transcript with an asterisk
and grades from previous credentials will not be calculated into the GPA.
Applying CAM credits to the MBA
Students who earn the Certificate of Advanced Management and are accepted into either the One-Year, Two-
Year, or Part-time MBA program may bring in up to 18 Babson Earned Credits to the MBA provided the
specific courses apply to the selected degree and the credits have been earned within five years of starting
the new degree program. Neither enrollment in nor completion of the Babson graduate certificate
guarantees admission into a future Babson graduate degree program. Credits will be denoted on the
student’s transcript with an asterisk and grades from previous credentials will not be calculated into the GPA.
Applying MBA credits to the MSF or MSBA
Students who earn a degree in either the One-Year, Two-Year, or Part-time MBA program and are accepted
into either the MSF or MSBA program may bring in up to 15 Babson Earned Credits to the MS degree
provided the specific courses apply to the selected degree and that the credits have been earned within
seven years of starting the new degree program. Neither enrollment in nor completion of the MBA
guarantees admission into a future Babson graduate degree program. Credits will be denoted on the
student’s transcript with an asterisk and grades from previous credentials will not be calculated into the
Applying MSF or MSBA credits to the MBA
Students who earn a degree in either the MSF or MSBA program and are accepted into either the One-Year,
Two-Year, or Part-time MBA program may bring in up to 22.5 Babson Earned Credits to the MBA as elective
credit provided that the credits have been earned within seven years of starting the new degree program.
Neither enrollment in nor completion of the MSF or MSBA program guarantees admission into a future
Babson graduate degree program. Credits will be denoted on the student’s transcript with an asterisk and
grades from previous credentials will not be calculated into the GPA.
Applying Non-Degree credits toward a future degree
Graduate credits completed with a grade of “B” or better in a Babson non-degree course (such as Test It
Out/TIO) may be applied as elective credit toward the Part-time MBA, MSBA, MSAEL, or CAM as long as the
credits have been earned within the next two program start terms for the new certificate, MS, or MBA
program and the course is approved for the specific program. Non-degree credits may not exceed 3 elective
credits. Neither enrollment in nor completion of a non-degree course guarantees admission into a future
Babson graduate certificate or degree program. Credits will be denoted on the student’s transcript with an
asterisk and grades from previous credentials will not be calculated into the GPA.
Applying MSAEL Credits toward a future degree
Graduate credits completed with a passing grade in the Babson MSAEL degree may be applied as elective
credit towards a future Babson MBA degree as long as the credits have been earned within seven years of
starting the new degree program and the course is approved for the specific program. Neither enrollment in
nor completion of the MSAEL program guarantees admission to a future Babson graduate degree program.
Credits will be denoted on the student’s transcript with an asterisk and grades from previous credentials will
not be calculated into the GPA.
Applying graduate credits earned while enrolled as a Babson undergraduate student toward a future credential
Graduate credits completed with a passing grade while the student is enrolled as a Babson undergraduate
student may be applied toward a future Babson credential as long as the credits have been earned within
seven years of starting the new degree program. Neither enrollment in nor completion of Babson graduate
courses guarantees admission into a future Babson credential. Credits will be denoted on the student’s
transcript with an asterisk and grades from previous credentials will not be calculated into the GPA.
Where noted, part-time or full-time status refers only to credit load in any given semester. For
applicable programs, students must petition the Office of Graduate Academic Services to change their
status. Students can submit a change of status request through the Babson Hub.
Effective spring 2017, full-time enrollment in the Certificate of Advanced Management
program consists of at least 9 credits per semester.
Part-time students may take 1 to 12 credits per semester. The average is 6 credits.
Full-Time students in the One-Year and Two-Year MBA programs take at least 12 credits per
semester, with the exception of their final semester when they may take fewer depending upon
the total remaining to graduate.
Students who want to take more than a standard full-time course load must obtain written
permission from the Office of Graduate Academic Services before registering for the additional
course(s). See chart below for program specific credit information:
Number of
credits to
the program
Number of credits per
semester to be
considered full-time*
Certificate of Advanced
9 to 15
Part-time MBA
Blended Learning MBA -
One-Year MBA
Two-Year MBA
*International students are allowed to be enrolled less than full-time in their final semester.
Instructors will choose if they would like to give a final exam, final project, or other final
deliverable. If a final exam is given, it will take place during the last class meeting. Please refer
to the course syllabus for more information about the final exam or deliverable. Permission to
miss a final exam must be obtained before the exam, from the Office of Graduate Academic
Services and the faculty member, in cases with extenuating circumstances.
Such extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to:
serious illness supported by a doctor’s certification
death in the immediate family
observance of a religious holiday (see Religious Observance for more)
The following are not considered extenuating circumstances:
disabled vehicles, or
misunderstanding the schedule
A student who has two exams scheduled at the same time or more than six hours of exams
scheduled for one day may arrange for a revision of their schedule by contacting the Registrar’s
Office. The Final Exam Conflict form is available in the Final Exams section at
and must be turned in to the Registrar’s Office no later than one week
before the final exam period begins.
Babson College welcomes students with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of their
college experience. Babson College is prepared to modify policies, practices, and procedures, as
necessary, to assure that students with disabilities have full access to all programs, services, and
benefits of the institution. This includes, but is not limited to, classroom and exam
accommodations, housing and dining accommodations, assuring architectural and facilities
access, and modifications of policies that might have a differential impact on students because of
disability. Our policy is consistent with relevant governmental statutes and regulations
surrounding issues for students with disabilities including those pursuant to the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (amended in 2008), Title IX of the Federal Education Amendments of
1972 and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The College provides students
with reasonable accommodations in a timely manner when such accommodations are necessary
to afford goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations to individuals with
disabilities unless providing the accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the
goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations. The mission of
Accessibility Services is to collaborate and empower students with disabilities to coordinate
support services and programs that enable equal access to an education and college life.
Accessibility Services is responsible for evaluating and coordinating services for students with
disabilities. Available support services for students with documented disabilities include, but are not
limited to, academic accommodations; housing and dining accommodations; temporary medical
condition accommodations; modifications to College policies, rules, and regulations; environmental
adjustments such as the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers; and
auxiliary aids and services.
Accessibility Services staff utilize an interactive review process to determine the necessary
accommodations. Students requesting accommodations must register with Accessibility Services
through the Accessible Information Management (AIM
) portal, participate in an intake interview, and
submit current documentation, as required. Babson College is not responsible for ensuring academic
accommodations for students who identify themselves only to faculty or staff and not directly to
Accessibility Services or identify themselves subsequent to the completion of academic
requirements or projects.
Exam Accommodations
To ensure exam accommodation can be arranged on time, students must discuss exam arrangements with the
faculty at the start of each course. If the student is determined not to take the exam with faculty, the student and
faculty should work with DAS to make alternate exam arrangements. Accessibility Services will coordinate exam
logistics with the student, faculty, and Graduate Academic Services. The exam structure will vary depending on the
Graduate program and the preference of the faculty.
Online Exam: The faculty will provide students approved for exam accommodations the
extra time online. If faculty have questions about how to set up the “extra time exam
on Canvas, faculty should call the Faculty Support line at 781-239-5400.
On-campus Exam: The faculty may make exam arrangements privately with the student; or the
faculty and the student may ask Accessibility Services to coordinate exam accommodations. These
requests must be submitted at the start of the course to ensure exam arrangements are made in
a timely manner.
Recording Classes
Babson College prohibits recording class lectures or other college events by any means absent the express
consent of the professor. Students who record class lectures without express permission may be subject to
disciplinary action. Unless otherwise expressly permitted by the professor, permission to record a class applies
exclusively to the student who received permission from the professor. The recording may not be accessed or
utilized by any other individual. No replication of the recording may be made without the express permission of
the professor. Students requesting recording of courses under the Americans with Disabilities Act must contact
the Department of Accessibility Services (DAS).
Per the above policy, all students should be aware that any class and discussions held therein may be subject
to recording.
Additional information, as well as policies and procedures, can be found on the BabsonHub, or by emailing
[email protected] or by calling 781-239-4075.
The F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business has established learning goals for each program.
MBA Learning Goals
Babson College prepares graduate students to be entrepreneurial leaders. Our curriculum builds functional
depth with integrative ability through classroom, experiential and project-based learning. In the classroom,
across campus, and in the wider world, our students experience this within our framework of entrepreneurial
thought and action. Through increased self-awareness, expanded mindsets, and refined skillsets, graduates will
apply what they have learned and developed to address the greatest challenges of business and society today
including innovation, growth, integrated sustainability, and globalization. They achieve this by starting new
ventures or contributing to established organizations. The Babson student experience is guided by learning
Graduates will be able to do the following:
Collaboration: Collaborate with and learn from others to accomplish a common goal or
create an original work.
Communication: Develop and express ideas strategically, through written, oral, and visual
formats, to a specific audience for a desired purpose.
Leadership: Lead people to work towards shared goals with consideration of
the ethical implications of their actions.
Problem-Solving: Analyze and assess ideas and data to make decisions and
recommendations appropriate to situations and stakeholders.
MSEL (MSM in Entrepreneurial Leadership) Learning Goals
Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting: Babson MSEL graduates create, identify, assess, shape, and act on
opportunities in a variety of contexts and organizations.
Social, Environmental, and Economic Responsibility: Babson MSEL graduates make decisions based on
an awareness of relevant stakeholders, ethical considerations, and an attempt to create and sustain social,
environmental, and economic value.
Self and Contextual Awareness: Babson MSEL graduates understand their sense of
purpose, identity, and context, and use this understanding to inform their decisions.
Managing in a Global Environment: Babson MSEL graduates incorporate social, political
and economic context and complexities when managing in a global environment.
Leadership and Teamwork: Babson MSEL graduates exercise appropriate leadership, value diverse
perspectives and skills, and work collaboratively to accomplish organizational goals in a changing
Innovative Problem Solving: Babson MSEL graduates develop creative solutions to
challenging problems, and generate economic and socially valuable outcomes.
MSAEL (MS in Advanced Entrepreneurial Leadership) Learning Goals
Creative Design Thinking: Challenge assumptions and solve problems through an iterative,
human-focused process.
Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Strengthen your ability to mobilize and enlist others to
lead effectively.
Managing Disruption: Navigate uncertainty by mastering an agile mindset and learning
how and when to pivot.
Performance Measurement to Articulate Impact: Illustrate ideas and tell stories using data to
ensure sustainable, quantifiable financial performance.
Strategic Problem Formulation: Pinpoint the problem and structure your analysis to lay
the groundwork for entrepreneurial action.
MSF (MS in Finance) Learning Goals
Technical Skills in Finance: Babson MSF graduates are proficient in applying quantitative methods and
financial analysis techniques in a variety of contexts. These include statistical analysis of financial and
economic data; valuing corporate investment decisions; valuing firms; and valuing a variety of financial
instruments including equities, fixed income, and derivative securities.
Complex Financial Problem Solving: Babson MSF graduates appreciate the ambiguity that surrounds
the most interesting business and financial problems. They are adept at extracting salient issues from a
complex problem, identifying appropriate analytical techniques, applying judgment, and proposing well-
reasoned recommendations.
Ethical and Professional Standards: Babson MSF graduates are prepared to recognize and respond
to ethical issues that arise in the financial profession and financial practice. They also understand
professional standards in financial fields, and how these may vary.
MSBA (MS in Business Analytics) Learning Goals
Enterprise Strategy: Babson MS in Business Analytics graduates understand the role that
advanced analytical techniques can play in the successful achievement of the goals and strategies of
an organization. They understand the strengths and limitations of various analytical approaches as
well as the social, ethical, environmental, and sustainability consequences of strategic decisions.
Tools and Methods: Babson MS in Business Analytics graduates integrate tools and analytic
methods to maximize the value of data in the organizational context. They can select
appropriate tools and interpretive methods to ensure that each organizational challenge is
addressed using the right approach at the right time.
Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting: Babson MS in Business Analytics graduates understand
and appreciate the complexities of business and social problems. With solid training in technical
and communication skills, they are prepared to design and execute innovative and creative
solutions based on data analytics in a variety of contexts and organizations.
Communication Skills: Babson MS in Business Analytics graduates are proficient communicators
of insights derived from data. They can understand the results from advanced analytical techniques
and summarize them appropriately for a variety of different audiences. They can make a logical,
clear, and persuasive case for or against the value of using analytics in a particular business situation.
Teamwork and Collaboration: Babson MS in Business Analytics graduates value diverse
perspectives and skills within a team and work collaboratively in analytics projects.
Babson assesses these desired student learning goals as part of its commitment to continual program
improvement. The assessment of these learning goals will take place periodically within identified courses in
each program. The data collected will be completely anonymous and will have no impact on student grades.
Aggregated results will be used for program planning and accreditation purposes within the F.W. Olin
Graduate School of Business and Babson College and may be included in institutional research analyses and
reports. Further information about the learning goals and assessments may be obtained from the Assistant
Dean of the graduate school or the director of Institutional Assessment.
Babson College does not permit auditing of graduate-level courses.
The Registrar’s Office has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse to provide an online ordering
service for processing transcript requests. The National Student Clearinghouse offers electronic and printed
transcripts. Transcripts may be requested on the transcript section of the Registrar’s website.
Leave of Absence
Students are eligible to take a leave of absence for a period of up to two consecutive years. The application
for a leave must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Academic Services at least two weeks before the
start of the semester in which the leave would begin, except in the event of an emergency that would
preclude the giving of such advanced notice. All leaves will carry a specific expiration date. Students who
wish to return early must inform the Office of Graduate Academic Services in writing at least four weeks
before the desired date of return. Please note: degree time limits remain in effect during a leave.
One-Year and Two-Year MBA students must complete the first semester of core to be eligible for a
leave of absence.
Blended Learning Miami students should contact the Office of Graduate Academic Services for
appropriate guidelines for obtaining permission to take a leave of absence.
Requests for Leave of Absence for students in the MS programs are considered in rare circumstances on
a case-by-case basis by the Office of Graduate Academic Services and, if approved, may require students to
extend their program graduation date in order to meet degree requirements.
Requests for Leave of absence in the Certificate in Advanced Management (CAM) are considered in
rare circumstances on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Graduate Academic Services and may require
students to extend their certificate completion date in order to meet program requirements.
To be “reactivated,” the student must notify the Office of Graduate Academic Services in writing at least
four weeks before the desired date of return. When a student wishes to return from leave, the Office of
Graduate Academic Services will review the student’s record and notify the student of any changes to
course requirements. For example, if a student fails to return after the maximum two-year, time limit the
Office of Graduate Academic Services may rescind advanced-standing credit previously granted and/or any
credit earned at Babson toward the MBA or MS degree. Students may be subject to any new policies
instituted during their leave.
Any student on leave who does not return on the specified date or is not registered for courses and is not
on an approved leave of absence will be transferred to inactive status and administratively withdrawn.
International Students
International students in F-1/J-1 immigration status who withdraw, are suspended, or take a leave of absence
will lose their permission to remain in the United States in F-1/J-1 immigration status (exceptions exist for
documented medical conditions pre-approved by the Glavin Office). Any international student in F-1/J-1
immigration status who expects to separate from the College because of one of the above-mentioned events
or who is considering taking less than a full course load must speak with an international student advisor in
the Glavin Office about immigration implications and possible options before any action is taken. More
information can be found at https://www.babson.edu/glavin-office/isss/maintaining-student-status/
Administrative Withdrawal
Any student who has not enrolled in courses in a period of 12 months from the date of last enrollment (i.e.
one calendar year from last completed course) and is not on an approved Leave of Absence will be
administratively withdrawn from the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business and must petition the Office of
Graduate Academic Services in writing for readmission.
Military Activation
In the event that a student who is a military reservist is called to active duty and is not able to complete an
academic semester or module, they will be entitled to a full refund of tuition and fees and a prorated refund
of room and board charges.
Purpose and intent: Babson College (“the College”) endeavors to provide a safe and healthy living and
learning environment in which all qualified students can participate in the College’s programs and activities
and successfully pursue their academic, personal, social, and emotional development.
The College recognizes that students may experience medical issues which limit their ability to function safely
or successfully as students. The College offers a variety of medical, academic, and administrative resources to
assist and support students in such situations and makes reasonable accommodations to allow students with
documented disabilities to have equal access to College programs and activities.
When a student’s personal well-being may be at risk or when a student experiences a medical issue that may
prevent the student from participating in the College’s programs and activities regardless of accommodation,
the student is encouraged to consider a voluntary medical withdrawal from the College. Although students
remain eligible to take other types of leaves in accordance with applicable College policies and procedures, a
voluntary medical withdrawal may carry certain advantages, including more flexible withdrawal timelines,
less disruption to scholarships and funding, and tuition/housing refunds as determined by appropriate
College officials.
When the College becomes aware of a student who is unable to safely participate in the College’s programs
and activities regardless of accommodation or who presents a high probability of substantial harm to health
or safety, the College may also consider the appropriateness of involuntary medical withdrawal from the
College and/or emergency interim medical withdrawal according to the standards and procedures described
in this Policy.
Student conduct that violates the College’s Community Standards remains subject to the Student Conduct
Process regardless of whether such conduct violation results from or is exacerbated by a medical condition.
Actions taken pursuant to this Policy do not affect the student’s obligation to comply with other College
policies or, where applicable, sanctions to which the student may be subject as a result of any violation of
such policies.
This Policy is designed to ensure that students are given individualized attention, support, care, and
consideration in addressing medical issues that may arise or escalate during matriculation. The College will
apply this Policy to all students in a nondiscriminatory manner using a flexible and individualized process to
facilitate student success. Decision makers acting under the Policy will make determinations on the basis of
objective evidence of student behavior and reasonable judgments based on professional assessments and
current medical knowledgenot on the knowledge or belief that a student may be an individual with a
Whenever a College official is referenced in this Policy, such reference shall include another official
designated to carry out such official’s duties in their absence or the person who otherwise assumes such
Voluntary Medical Withdrawal (“VMW”)
When a student’s personal well-being may be at risk, or when a student experiences a medical issue that may
prevent them from participating in the College’s programs and activities regardless of accommodation, the
student is encouraged to consider a VMW. The VMW process is designed to be reasonable and flexible, and
to proceed as quickly as possible to allow a student experiencing difficulties due to a medical condition to
receive the care, support, and treatment they need.
Students wishing to initiate a VMW should contact the Director of Health Services and/or the Director of
Counseling and Psychological Services (each, an “Appropriate Health Service”). The Appropriate Health
Service will meet with the student, if feasible, and review any medical documentation provided. The
Appropriate Health Service will then submit a recommendation for a VMW if it determines that the student
has a medical issue that prevents the student from participating in the College’s programs and activities
regardless of accommodation, or otherwise compromises the student’s safety, well-being, or academic
success. As appropriate, the Appropriate Health Service will make individualized treatment recommendations
designed to help the student become academically and personally ready to resume life at the College with or
without reasonable accommodation.
The recommendation for a VMW and any relevant supporting documentation will be submitted to the
Associate Vice President for Student Success (”AVP”) or designee for review. The AVP may consult with the
Appropriate Health Service and others as appropriate in evaluating the recommendation and any relevant
supporting documentation. Based on an individualized review of the facts and circumstances, the AVP will
make a final determination as to whether and for what length the VMW will be granted, and will notify the
student in writing. The student will also be notified of specific conditions, if any, that may be required in order
to return to the College, based on the nature and individual circumstances of the VMW.
A student may appeal the denial of a request for VMW in accordance with the Appeal Process set forth
College-initiated Medical Withdrawal (“CIMW”)
The College may initiate a medical withdrawal when it becomes aware of a student who is unable to safely
participate in the College’s programs and activities or who presents a high probability of substantial harm to
health or safety.
The College may initiate a CIMW only under the limited circumstances and only in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this Policy. CIMW may only be initiated: (i) after reasonable efforts to obtain student
cooperation for a VMW have been attempted, if feasible; (ii) after other available interim measures have
been deemed inappropriate, insufficient, or unsuccessful; and (iii) as a non-disciplinary action.
In evaluating whether the College will initiate a medical withdrawal, the AVP will convene a medical
withdrawal committee (“Committee”). The Committee will be composed of the AVP and one or more
representatives from the Appropriate Health Service, along with other College officials with relevant
knowledge and expertise who may have direct insight into the conduct or behavior of concern, such as
representatives from the Department of Accessibility Services, Office of Graduate Academic Services and/or
various departments within the division of Learner Success and Campus Life.
The Committee will conduct an individualized assessment of the student’s present ability to safely participate
in its programs and activities based on objective evidence and documentation. The individualized assessment
will evaluate whether there is a high probability of substantial harm in light of: (i) the nature, duration, and
severity of the risk; (ii) the probability that injury will occur; and (iii) whether reasonable accommodations can
sufficiently mitigate the risk. The Committee will exercise reasonable judgments that rely on current medical
information and documentation.
If the Committee determines that the student is unable to safely participate in the College’s programs
and activities or presents a high probability of substantial harm to health or safety, it will submit a
recommendation for a College-Initiated Medical Withdrawal (“CIMW”). The recommendation and any
relevant supporting documentation will be submitted to the Vice President for Learner Success and Dean
of Campus Life (“Vice President”) or designee (“AVP”) for review. As appropriate, the Appropriate Health
Service will make individualized treatment recommendations designed to help the student become
academically and personally ready to resume life at the College with or without reasonable
Upon receipt of a recommendation for a CIMW, the Vice President will carefully review the recommendation
and any relevant supporting documentation. The Vice President may consult with the Appropriate Health
Service and others as appropriate in evaluating the recommendation and any relevant supporting
documentation. If, based on an individualized review of the facts and circumstances, the Vice President
conditionally determines that a CIMW should be granted, the Vice President will notify the student in writing.
The student will be afforded three business days to submit a written statement and any other documentation
or materials relevant to the conditional CIMW and the student’s desired outcome before a final determination
is made by the Vice President. If warranted under the circumstances, the Vice President may restrict the
student from attending classes, living in college housing, or otherwise accessing campus property or
participating in College activities during the conditional CIMW.
Based on an individualized review of the facts and circumstances, the Vice President will make a final
determination as to whether and for what length the CIMW will be implemented and will notify the
student in writing. The student will also be notified of specific conditions, if any, that may be required in
order to return to the College, based on the nature and individual circumstances of the CIMW.
A student placed on CIMW may appeal in accordance with the Appeal process set forth below.
Emergency Interim Medical Withdrawal (“EIMW”)
The College may initiate an emergency interim medical withdrawal (“EIMW”) when it reasonably
determines that a student presents an imminent risk of substantial harm to health or safety.
The College may initiate an EIMW only under the limited circumstances and only in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this Policy. An EIMW may only be initiated: (i) after reasonable efforts to obtain
student cooperation for a VMW have been attempted, if feasible; (ii) after other available interim measures
have been deemed inappropriate, insufficient, or unsuccessful; and (iii) as a non-disciplinary action.
The Vice President may implement an EIMW after conducting an individualized assessment based on
objective evidence and documentation. The individualized assessment will evaluate whether there is an
imminent risk of substantial harm in light of: (i) the nature, duration, and severity of the risk; (ii) the
probability that injury will occur; and (iii) whether reasonable accommodations can sufficiently mitigate the
risk. The Vice President will consult with the Appropriate Health Service and others as appropriate, and will
exercise reasonable judgments that rely on current medical information. Circumstances permitting, the
Vice President will convene a Committee to assist in the individualized assessment.
The duration of an EIMW will be limited to the period necessary to address the imminent risk of substantial
harm to health or safety. While under EIMW, the student is prohibited from attending classes or living in
College housing, and may be trespassed from campus or other College facilities and/or prohibited from
participating in College activities if warranted under the circumstances.
A student placed on EIMW will be notified in writing by the Vice President as soon as possible. The student
will also be notified of the specific conditions that are required in order to return to the College, based on
the nature and individual circumstances of the EIMW. A student placed on EIMW may appeal in accordance
with the Appeal process set forth below.
The EIMW process is intended to address emergency situations on an interim basis. Where appropriate and
in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Policy, an EIMW may be converted to a VMW or a
Return from Voluntary, College-initiated, or Emergency Interim Medical Withdrawal
All conditions for returning to the College will be the same for VMW and CIMW. The conditions for returning
to the College from an EIMW will be equivalent, except that relevant timelines will be adjusted to account
for the interim nature of the withdrawal.
The goal of a medical withdrawal is to ensure that students return with an increased opportunity for academic
and personal success. Students are encouraged to take the time necessary to achieve this goal.
Students may wish to periodically check in with the Associate Dean during their leave, as indefinite leaves will
not be permitted.
A student seeking to return to the College from a medical withdrawal should take the following steps to
initiate the re-enrollment process:
A. Contact the Appropriate Health Service and provide all required documentation. With the exception
of students placed on EIMW, it is requested that students submit all material by December 1 for
consideration for the Spring Semester, April 1 for summer sessions, and July 1 for Fall Semester. This will
help to ensure that the AVP and the Appropriate Health Service have sufficient time to review the request
and facilitate re-enrollment as appropriate. If materials are received after the relevant deadline, the
College will make reasonable efforts to review the request in a timely manner.
B. Have the student’s treatment provider(s) send a report to the Appropriate Health Service documenting
the provider’s work with the student, the student’s clinical status, and an opinion as to the student’s
readiness to safely and successfully resume academics and college life. The student’s treatment provider may
also include any conditions or recommendations for ongoing treatment, or other suggestions to support the
student’s academic and personal well-being upon returning to the College. The Appropriate Health Service
relies heavily on information received from the student’s treatment provider. Students will be asked to
provide Release of Information Forms so that representatives of the Appropriate Health Service may
communicate with treatment providers and others as appropriate regarding the student’s return.
C. As required by the AVP depending upon the nature and individual circumstances of the medical
withdrawal, provide information to the Appropriate Health Service showing that the student has reasonable
capability of day-to-day functioning while a student at the College, with or without accommodation. There
are several ways a student might be able to sufficiently demonstrate their day-to-day functioning, and the
AVP will discuss appropriate options with the student upon request.
D. As required by the AVP depending upon the nature and individual circumstances of the medical
withdrawal, provide a brief written statement describing: (i) the student’s experience away from the College
including the activities undertaken while away; (ii) the student’s current understanding of the factors that led
to the medical withdrawal and any insights the student has gained from treatment and time away; and (iii)
how the student plans to ensure a successful return to the College and to sustain their academic and
personal well-being.
Reasonable effort will be made to respond to a student’s request to return from a medical withdrawal within
ten business days of receipt of all required materials. Additional time may be required based on extenuating
If the information received from a treatment provider requires further explanation or clarification, or when
there is a disconnect between the medical information provided and other information in the student’s file,
the Appropriate Health Service may contact the treatment provider to obtain additional information. In
exceptional cases as required by the AVP depending upon the nature and individual circumstances of the
medical withdrawal, the student may be asked to obtain a second, independent evaluation from a licensed
medical professional approved by the Appropriate Health Service. The purpose of the independent
evaluation is to document the student’s clinical status and provide an opinion as to the student’s readiness
to safely and successfully resume academics and college life.
Upon receipt of all required materials, the AVP and the Appropriate Health Service, in consultation with
others as appropriate, will determine if the student appears ready to resume academics and college life. If
approved to return, the student will be required to check-in with the Appropriate Health Service to review
the student’s current safety and plan for sustained health, including recommendations for ongoing treatment
and/or other support services as appropriate.
Students with disabilities are eligible for reasonable accommodations. Students are responsible for
communicating any requests for accommodation to the Department of Accessibility Services (DAS).
Detailed information on the process for requesting accommodations is available at the DAS website:
The student will be approved to return to the College when the documentation demonstrates that the
student is ready to safely resume studies and be a successful member of the campus community. If
approved, the student will be notified in writing and informed of any applicable academic, housing,
administrative, or other requirements for return.
If the student is not approved for return from a medical withdrawal, the student will be notified in writing
along with recommendations that will enhance the likelihood that a future request to return will be
granted. The student may appeal the denial of their request to return from a medical withdrawal in
accordance with the Appeal process set forth below.
Appeals Process
A student has a right to file a written appeal (“Appeal”) to the Vice President requesting
review/reconsideration of: (i) the denial of a request for VMW; (ii) the denial of a request for return from a
medical withdrawal; (iii) the implementation of a CIMW; or (iv) the implementation of an EIMW. The Appeal
must be submitted to the Vice President within five business days of the date of the notice to the student.
The basis for the Appeal are limited to the following: (i) material information or evidence not considered in
the original determination; (ii) new information or evidence that was not available at the time of the original
determination; and/or (iii) a material deviation from procedures that was prejudicial to the student and that
affected the outcome of the original determination. Appeals made on other grounds will not be considered.
As appropriate, the student should include relevant supporting documentation with the Appeal. The Vice
President will carefully consider the Appeal and any supporting documentation and render a final decision
based on the best available information and an individualized review of the facts and circumstances.
A final decision on the Appeal of the implementation of an EIMW will be made within three business
days of receipt. Final decisions on all other appeals will be made within ten business days of receipt, or
the Vice President will notify the student that additional time will be necessary to consider the Appeal.
The decision of the Vice President on the Appeal is final and not subject to further review.
The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA or Act) of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFRPart
99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. "Education records" are those
records, files, documents and other materials which
(i) contain information directly related to a student; and
(i) are maintained by an educational institution."
FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College
receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Registrar written requests that identify the
record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of
the time and place where the records may be inspected.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is
inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the College to amend a record they believe is inaccurate or
misleading. They should write to the Registrar, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and
specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the
student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of their right to a hearing
regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be
provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
Note: The right to challenge grades and notations about disciplinary decisions does not apply under the Act
unless the grade assigned or the disciplinary decision rendered was inaccurately recorded.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s
education records, except to the extent that the law authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to college officials with
legitimate educational interests. A "college official" is a person employed by the College in an
administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including Public Safety
and Health Services); a person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to
provide a service instead of using College employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or
collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or another student serving on an
official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another college official
in performing their tasks.
A college official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order
to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the College.
Another exception is the release of "Directory Information," which may be released without a student’s
consent unless specifically prohibited by the student. The following is considered Directory Information:
the student’s name
permanent and local addresses
telephone listings
electronic mail addresses
digitized photographs and images
date and place of birth
major field of study
grade level
enrollment status
dates of attendance
past and present participation in officially recognized activities, organizations and sports
weight and height of members of athletic teams
degrees, honors, and awards received
the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
A student’s grades are considered Directory Information only to the extent that Dean’s List, graduation
honors, and/or awards may be published. Individual grades and GPA information are not Directory
Information and will not be released without the consent of the student.
Upon request, the College also discloses education records to officials of another school in which a student
seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled, so long as the disclosure is for purposes
related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
Disclosure without consent also may be made concerning the following: final results of a disciplinary
proceeding in which a student was found to have violated College rules concerning a crime of violence or a
non-forcible sex offense. The outcome may be disclosed to the victim regardless of whether a violation was
found. Alcohol or drug violations may be disclosed to parents if the student is under age 21. The College
reserves the right to disclose information about students to their parents, regardless of the student’s age,
without the student’s written consent in cases involving the student’s health and well-being or in the case of a
change of student status (including, but not limited to, loss of housing, pending disciplinary proceeding,
suspension, expulsion or to comply with a court order or subpoena). For the purposes of this Policy, "parent"
means a parent of a student and includes a natural parent, a guardian, or an individual acting as a parent in
the absence of a parent or a guardian.
The term "education records" does not include the following records, and therefore such records are not
governed by this Policy:
A. Records of instructional, supervisory and administrative personnel and educational personnel
ancillary to those persons, which:
i. are kept in the sole possession of the maker of the record
ii. are not accessible or revealed to any other individual, except to an individual who performs
on a temporary basis the duties of the individual who made the record
B. College Public Safety Department records which are created and maintained by campus police
solely for law enforcement purposes.
C. Employment records, when College employment did not result from and does not depend upon
the fact that an individual is a student at the College, provided that the employment records:
i. relates exclusively to the individual in that individual’s capacity as a College employee
ii. are made and maintained in the normal course of business
iii. are not available for use for any other purpose
All records relating to a student who also is an employee of the College are included in the definition of
education records, if the student’s employment is contingent upon the fact that they are a student. For
example, work-study program records are education records.
D. Health records, which:
i. are created or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized
professional or paraprofessional acting in their professional or paraprofessional capacity, or
assisting in that capacity;
ii. are created, maintained or used only in connection with the provision of treatment to the
student; and
iii. are not disclosed to anyone except to other than individuals providing the treatment, except
that the records may be personally reviewed by a physician or other appropriate professional of
the student’s choice.
For the purpose of this definition, "treatment" does not include academic and career advising, tutoring,
disability management counseling, or any activities which are part of the program of instruction offered by
the College. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule excludes
student medical treatment records and other records protected by FERPA.
E. Applicant records of individuals who do not enroll in or register with an academic program of the
College. If and when applicants become students, their applicant records become education records,
which are then accorded the same privacy rights as any other education records governed by this
F. Records (i.e., alumni records) about a person containing only information obtained from that
person after that person is no longer a student, or relating to that person and obtained from others
after that person is no longer a student.
If students do not wish to authorize the release of Directory Information and do not want Directory
Information to appear in the Student Directory, they must indicate so through the "My Info" section of the
Hub. The restriction will be promptly initiated in any electronic media. For any printed media, the restriction
will be initiated as of the next printing. At any time after restricting the release of Directory Information,
students may change their minds and choose to authorize the College to release Directory Information.
Student can grant such authorization at any time by editing the "My Info" section of the Hub. Students should
be aware of the possible consequences of withholding Directory Information,
such as missed announcements, mailings and messages, non-verification of enrollment or degree
status, and omission from the Commencement program.
4. Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged
failures by the College to comply with the requirements of federal law as they pertain to access and
disclosure of students’ education records.
The name and address of the Office that administers this law is: Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-5920
1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327)
Questions or concerns about the privacy of students’ education records or these procedures maybe
brought to the attention of the Registrar’s Office, Hollister Hall, Room 334.
Additional Resources
For more information on FERPA and the regulations promulgated thereunder, please seethe
following links:
Family Policy Compliance Office(FPCO) FERPA 20 USC 1232(g)
34 CFR PART 99
All students requesting a change in program status must be in good academic standing. With permission from
Graduate Academic Services and under certain conditions, students may transfer from a cohort-based MBA
program (Two-Year, One-Year, and Blended Learning Miami MBA) to the Part-time MBA. Students may be
subject to loss of earned credits due to the differences in curriculum across programs. Current students in any
MBA program wishing to join a cohort-based program are required to apply and be accepted to that program.
Additionally, if a current student seeks to transfer from the Part-time MBA into a cohort-based program the
student may be required to complete their core courses in the Part-time format. MS students are not allowed
to transfer to the MBA program; they must apply. Similarly, students in the MBA must apply for admission to
MS programs. Students in degree-granting programs may not transfer to certificate programs.
One-Year and Two-Year MBA students who wish to change from full-time to part-time status may
do so after completing the first semester of core.
Blended Learning Miami students should contact the Office of Graduate Academic Services for
appropriate guidelines on program changes.
MSEL students are not eligible to change from full-time to part-time status.
MSF and MSBA students may transfer from full-time to part-time status after completing the core
and with the permission of the Office of Graduate Academic Services.
Part-time MBA students who wish to change from part-time to full-time status may do so at any time
(when applicable), provided they are in good academic standing and meet all conditions for doing so,
including conforming to state immunization requirements and carrying health insurance.
Students can access the electronic form to change their status through the BabsonHub. Subject to policies
regarding the time in which degree requirements must be satisfied, students changing their status will have
the same degree requirements as when they entered the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business and will
remain in the program in which they were accepted. Students should contact the Office of Graduate
Academic Services for more information.
Students, with the exception of MSEL, MSAEL, and Blended Learning Miami students, register for courses
through Workday. All active graduate students receive, via Babson email, registration information and
dates to access Workday registration. MSEL, MSAEL, and Blended Learning Miami students will be enrolled
by the Registrar’s Office.
Entering One-Year and Two-Year students will be enrolled in their assigned module sections
by the Registrar’s Office before the start of their first semester.
MSBA and MSF students will be enrolled by the Registrar’s office for all their core courses
Elective registration for all programs will be available online via Workday.
For tuition payment information, refer to the Tuition, Fees, Payment Policies, and Financial Aid section of
this handbook.
Course Changes
Course changes to electives and Part-time MBA core may be made during registration and through the
add/drop period. Students may not make course or schedule changes in the MSEL, MSAEL, and Blended
Learning Miami MBA program, the One-Year and Two-Year MBA core, MSBA, or MSF core. Students in
these programs should contact Graduate Academic Services for additional information on the impacts of
schedule changes to their course of study.
Deadlines for Adding or Dropping from Courses
Students may add or drop courses from their schedule without a financial or academic penalty up to the
end of the add/drop period with the exception of students in cohort-based programs as noted above.
The add/drop period runs for approximately ten days at the start of each semester unless otherwise
noted. The specific dates are posted on the Academic Calendar
for each semester and session. Students
are strongly advised to review the add/drop deadline carefully and are advised to make all schedule
changes prior to this deadline. After the end of add/drop students may only withdraw from courses and
be subject to academic and/or financial consequences. There are no exceptions to this policy or the
Deadlines for Withdrawing from Courses
After the end of the add/drop period students may withdraw from a course. Withdrawing from a course
will result in a W on the student’s transcript. Additionally, some or all tuition will be forfeit. Ceasing to
attend class does not constitute an official withdrawal. Students ceasing class attendance after the last
date to withdraw will receive a final grade based on the normal course requirements, with a numerical
value of “0” calculated into the final grade for all course requirements not completed. Students must
officially withdraw from a course before the withdrawal date in order to avoid consequences up to and
including failing the course. The Academic Calendar
lists the withdrawal dates for all first, second, and full
session courses.
Students who withdraw from a course can no longer attend or participate in that course and will be
removed from the Canvas site. In the event the College suspends or dismisses a student, tuition and other
charges will be calculated in the same manner as for students withdrawing.
Students with any questions about their status in the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business should contact
the Office of Graduate Academic Services, Ext. 4474.
Students can view all information about course offerings by accessing the Course Listing found under the
Academic section on the Workday. Clicking on a course title displays the course description. The Course
Listing automatically updates whenever a change is made. Students can check the availability of courses at
any time to see the number of students enrolled in a particular course and the maximum allowed.
Students may view their course schedules, grades, or other options by clicking the academic icon in Workday.
Schedule confirmations are not mailed to students.
Honors at graduation are awarded to graduate students by program as follows:
Summa Cum Laude: 3.80 to 4.00
Magna Cum Laude: 3.70 to 3.79
Cum Laude: 3.60 to 3.69
Honors are determined based on GPAs of all graduates from within the current academic year.
The Babson College Board of Trustees sets the tuition and fee rates for each academic year. For current
tuition/fee rates and payment deadlines, please visit www.babson.edu/admission/tuition-aid.
concerning tuition, fees, payment policies, and financial aid should be directed to Student Financial
Services at 781-239-4219 or by email to
Some or all instruction for all or part of the academic year may be delivered remotely or in a blended format.
Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event
instruction occurs remotely or in a blended format for any part of the academic year.
Students are notified via email before each payment deadline. Student account information and balances
due are available online through Workday. Although the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson
College recognizes that many graduate students receive financial aid or monetary assistance from third
parties, the ultimate responsibility for satisfying all financial obligations rests with the student.
Please note that failure to receive notification of a payment deadline does not eliminate payment obligations or
prevent late payment penalties.
Tuition charges are generated from information provided by the registrar. Contact the Registrar’s Office
(with any questions about the courses for which one is registered and being charged. Information about
withdrawing from courses and the resultant tuition adjustments is available in the section titled Course
Admission enrollment deposits are non-refundable after 3 business days. For information about alumni
and corporate tuition reduction programs, please visit www.babson.edu/admission/tuition-aid.
Payment for miscellaneous charges is typically due 10 days after the charges have been posted. Questions
about any of the charges listed below should be directed to the appropriate office:
Motor vehicle registration and parking violation charges: Public Safety
One Card replacement: Public Safety
Prescription and lab charges: Health Services
Unreturned book/damage charges: Horn Library
Webster Center equipment: Athletics
Babson charges a $50 fee if a payment made from a checking or savings account cannot be
processed because of insufficient funds or incorrect information.
Online payments can be made through Nelnet, via Workday, from a U.S. checking or savings account or
credit card. A non-refundable service fee is assessed on credit card payments. Credit balances resulting
from credit card payments will be refunded to the card used for payment.
Payment plans are offered through Nelnet. A Nelnet payment plan allows students to split their academic
term costs into convenient monthly payments for a small enrollment fee. Students, and designated Third
Parties, can enroll through Workday Finances. Nelnet Payment Plan Fall Term payments are August
through November, Spring Term payments are December through March, and Summer Term payments are
May through July.
Wire payments can only be initiated at https://www.flywire.com/pay/babson
With Flywire, you are able to pay in your home, or other, currency (in most cases) and are offered favorable foreign
exchange rates, which may enable you to save a significant amount of money compared to traditional banks. Credit
Balances / Overpayments resulting from Flywire payments will be refunded through Flywire to the originating
Checks and money orders to Student Financial Services. Please make payable to Babson College, and mail
Student Financial Services
Babson College
231 Forest Street
Babson Park, MA 02457-0310
Students who receive financial aid from outside sources should submit, by the tuition due date, documentation from
the funding organization that details the amount and payment terms of such aid. If you are requesting a
disbursement from a 529 plan, please initiate the payment with your 529 provider to allow time for it to be received
prior to the payment deadline.
A credit balance (which will appear on your student account in parentheses, as a negative number) means you have excess
funds on your account. You can leave these funds on your account for the next semester, or request to have them refunded.
Refund requests are processed by SFS after the add/drop period has ended, and after financial aid and loan funds have
been disbursed onto your account. Prior credit balances are no longer refundable once additional charges are assessed on
a student account.
Students who have federal Title IV student aid disbursements in an amount that exceeds the costs of tuition, mandatory
semester fees, and any room and board charged by Babson will automatically have the amount of the Title IV credit balance
refunded by check to their mailing address.
Refund Advances
If an emergency arises for which students need assistance or an advance on forthcoming loan funds, they
should contact Student Financial Services. Requests should be made only for unanticipated expenses and
may not be used to pay for tuition or fees.
The agreement provides important information to students about the cost of their education and the financial
policies associated with their enrollment at Babson College. It aims to provide clear guidance on financial
obligations, payment deadlines, and consequences for non-compliance. All students are required to review and
acknowledge this agreement each academic year. For more information on the SFRA, please visit
Financial Hold: I understand and agree if I fail to pay my student account bill or any monies due and owing
Babson College by the scheduled due date, Babson College may place a financial hold on and/or assess late fees to
my student account, preventing me from registering for future classes, obtaining transcripts and/or receiving my
Late Payment Charge: I understand and agree if I fail to pay any balance on my student account bill or any
monies due and owing to Babson College by the scheduled due date, Babson College may assess late payment as
noted at https://www.babson.edu/tuition-and-financial-aid/manage-your-account/on
the past-due portion of
my student account until my past-due account is paid in full.
Collection Agency Fees and Costs: I understand and agree if I fail to pay any balance on my student account
bill or any monies due and owing to Babson College by the scheduled due date and fail to make payment
arrangements acceptable to Babson College to bring my account current, Babson College may refer my account to
a third party, which may be a debt collection agency or an attorney. I further understand if Babson College refers
any portion of my student account balance to a third party for collection, I am responsible for paying all fees and
costs (including, but not limited to, collection fees and costs) associated with attempting to collect the monies due
and owing. I understand collection fees and costs will be assessed and will be due and owing in full at the time of
the referral to the third party. The collection fees and costs will be calculated at the maximum amount permitted
by applicable law but will not exceed thirty-three and one third percent (33.33%) of the amount outstanding
together with all fees, costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses, necessary for the
collection of my delinquent account. For purposes of this provision, the third party may be a debt collection
company or an attorney. If a lawsuit is filed to recover an outstanding balance, I shall also be responsible for any
costs and fees Babson College incurs associated with the lawsuit such as court costs or other applicable costs.
Finally, I understand that my delinquent account may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus
in accordance with applicable laws.
If a payment made to my student account is returned by the bank or other payor for any reason, I agree to repay
the original amount of the payment plus the returned payment and other similar fees, if any, as noted at
. I understand that
multiple returned payments and/or failure to comply with the terms of any payment plan or agreement I sign
with or for the benefit of Babson College may result suspension of my eligibility to register for future classes
and/or other Services at Babson College.
The F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business offers a variety of financial aid programs and financing options to
graduate students. Approximately one-half of all graduate students receive some form of assistance. The
Student Financial Services staff works with students to review options, determine eligibility for specific
programs, and help select the best possible means for financing their graduate degrees at Babson. Details
about the financial aid programs, criteria, and application procedures are available on Babson’s website at
For those who qualify, awards and award amounts are available online on the BabsonHub.
Federal Student Aid
Application Procedures: United States citizens and Permanent Residents of the United States are encouraged
to apply for federal financial aid. Federal student loans are awarded to those who qualify.
To apply, submit the following documents each academic year:
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), available online at www.fafsa.gov.
List Babson College,
Babson Park, MA, in the school listing section of the FAFSA. Babson’s Title IV School Code is002121. Babson
recommends selecting the option to use the IRS Data Retrieval Process.
Additional documents may be requested to complete the verification of the financial aid
application. Financial aid deadlines for each degree and certificate program are listed on Babson’s
website at http://www.babson.edu/admission/tuition-aid/graduate/Pages/deadlines.aspx.
Maintaining Eligibility: Students must be enrolled at least half time each semester to maintain eligibility for
federal aid. Blended Learning students who progress on schedule with their cohort are considered half- time.
CAM and MSF students enrolled in a minimum of 4.5 credits are considered half-time, and for all other
programs a minimum of 6 credits is considered half-time.
The Academic Policies section of this handbook outlines the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business policies
on satisfactory academic requirements. According to federal regulations and Babson College policy,
students must be making satisfactory academic progress to be eligible for financial aid. The eligibility
depends on making progress toward the degree and maintenance of a satisfactory grade point average.
Students who are not on pace to complete the program within 150 percent of the published timeframe will
receive a warning letter. Pace is determined by dividing the cumulative number of hours the student has
successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours the student has attempted.
If the cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below the required minimum, the student will be placed on
financial aid warning status for the following semester. If the GPA is not brought up to the required level by
the end of the warning semester, the student may lose funding in future semesters.
Students who are denied financial aid may appeal the decision in writing to the Director of Financial Aid
within 30 days of receiving notification. Decisions on appeals will be made within two weeks of the appeal.
In no case will funds be awarded to a student who has completed and/or attempted credits in excess of 150
percent of those required for the degree.
Earned vs. Unearned Financial Aid: For a student receiving financial aid who withdraws from the College,
Babson will calculate the portion of the semester’s financial aid that must be returned to the funding
source, because it is unearned, as follows:
If the approved date of withdrawal is before or during the official drop/add period, 100 percent
of the financial aid will be considered unearned and will be returned.
If the approved date of withdrawal is after the last day of the official drop/add period, and on or
before the 60 percent point in the semester, the earned financial aid will be calculated on a pro-rated
basis, equal to the percentage of the semester that was completed before the student withdrew or
took a leave of absence. The balance is considered unearned and will be returned.
If the approved date of withdrawal is after the 60 percent point in the semester, 100 percent of
the financial aid will be considered earned, and none will be returned.
Return of Financial Aid Funds: Babson will return the lesser of either: a) the unearned amount of financial
aid, or b) the amount of unearned institutional charges. In the case where the unearned aid is greater than
the unearned institutional charges, the student is obligated to return the difference.
Federal Title IV aid will be returned in the following sequence:
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Federal Direct Graduate Plus Loan
Any other unearned financial aid will be returned to the funding source.
Please keep the following points in mind when considering a leave of absence or withdrawal.
You are eligible for institutional financial aid for only “one time through” the academic
requirements you must complete in order to graduate from Babson. If you leave during the middle of
an academic period and have to repeat it in order to graduate, you will not receive institutional
financial aid for the repeated academic period.
If you have a federal student loan, repayment begins after you leave school or drop below half-
time, and after your grace period has been utilized. If you return, you will be eligible to defer your
payments as long as you remain enrolled at least half-time.
If you decide to return to Babson, please contact Student Financial Services in advance of
your expected date of return to request financial aid information.
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018
As part of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, section 3679 of title 38, the following
policies apply to any individual (“covered individual”) who is entitled to educational assistance under
Chapter 31, Veteran Readiness and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits.
The College will permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the
period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the College a certificate of eligibility for
entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a
“Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans
Affairs’ (VA) website eBenefits, or a VAF
28-1905 form for Chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:
The date on which payment from VA is made to the College.
90 days after the date the College certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the
certificate of eligibility.
The College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to
classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow
additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial
obligations to the College due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under Chapter 31 or 33.
The College may request or require Chapter 31 and Chapter 33 students to take the following
1. Submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance no later than the
first day of a course of education.
2. Submit a written request to use such entitlement.
3. Provide additional information necessary to the proper certification of enrollment by the
4. Additional payment may be required or a fee may be imposed for the amount that is the
difference between the amount of the student’s financial obligation and the amount of the VA
education benefit disbursement.
‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about
education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at
Please refer to this separate document: The Community Code of Student Conduct This document can be
accessed via the BabsonHub.
You are required to know the policies and procedures set forth in both the Graduate Student Handbook and
The Community Code of Student Conduct
. Any questions regarding The Community Code of Student Conduct can be directed
to the Office of Community Standards at communitystandards@babson.edu.