01 None
02 Lap Belt
03 Harness
04 Lap Belt
& Harness
05 Child Restraint
06 Helmet
07 (reserved)
08 Airbag
09 Airbag & Seatbelts
10 Safety Vest (Ped only)
07 Shoulder / Upper Arm
08 Elbow / Lower Arm / Hand
09 Abdomen / Pelvis
10 Hip / Upper Leg
11 Knee / Lower Leg / Foot
12 Entire Body
Location of Most Severe Physical Injury
Use Code 00 for Unknown.
Use Code 99 for Other.
Explain Other in Crash Description
Also, Explain Items Marked with
asterisk (*) in Crash Description
If an Item Does Not Apply, Enter a
Dash ( - )
Overlay Page 1 of 2
Cut here 21/32 " from left
Cut here 1 5/16 " from bottom
Cutting at designated positions will permit arrows on each side to be displayed when the
appropriate overlay is paged. It will also permit the first overlay to be slightly longer than
the second for easy paging.
Printing should be done Portrait, Duplex, Flip on Short Edge
92 93
Refused Medical
1 Yes 2 No
01 Head
02 Face
03 Eye
04 Neck
05 Chest
06 Back
01 Amputation
02 Concussion
03 Internal
04 Bleeding
05 Contusion/Bruise/Abrasion
06 Burn
07 Fracture / Dislocation
08 Complaint of Pain
Type of Most Severe Physical Injury
Safety Equipment
Hosp Code
Airbag Deployment
01 Front 07 Other
02 Side 08 Multiple
Align with top edge of Report - 9/16" from top of this overlay
Which Vehicle Occupied
1 Vehicle 1 B Pedalcycle
2 Vehicle 2 P Pedestrian O Other
Position In/On Vehicle
01 Driver 02 thru 09 Passengers
10 Cargo Area 11 Riding/Hanging on Outside
Victim's Physical Condition
01 Killed
02 Incapacitated
03 Moderate Injury
04 Complaint of Pain
Ejection From Vehicle
01 Not Ejected
02 Partial Ejection
Age Sex
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
03 Ejected
04 Trapped
Road Divided By
01 Barrier Median 02 Curbed Median 03 Grass Median 04 Painted Median 05 None
Temporary Traffic Control Zone
01 None 02 Construction Zone 03 Maintenance Zone 04 Utility Zone 05 Incident Zone
Light Condition
01 Daylight 03 Dusk 05 Dark (no street lights) 07 Dark (street lights on, spot)
02 Dawn 04 Dark ( street lights off) 06 Dark (street lights on, continuous)
01 Bus (9-15 seats)
02 Bus (> 15 seats)
03 Van/Enclosed Box
04 Cargo Tank
05 Flatbed
06 Dump
07 Concrete Mixer
08 Auto Transporter
09 Garbage/Refuse
10 Hopper (grain,gravel,chips)
11 Pole (trailer)
12 Intermodal Chassis
13 No Cargo Body
Special Function Vehicles
01 Work Equipment *
02 Police
03 Military
04 Fire/Rescue
05 Ambulance
06 Taxi/Limo
07 Veh Used as School Bus
08 Veh Used as Other Bus
09 School Bus
10 Transit Bus
11 Other Bus
12 Veh Used as Snowplow
13 Vehicle Towing Another Veh
Road System
01 Interstate
02 State Highway
03 State/Interstate Authority
04 State Park or Institution
05 County
06 Co Auth, Park or Inst
07 Municipal
08 Mun Auth, Park or Inst
09 Private Property
10 US Govt Property
Road Character
01 Straight and Level
02 Straight and Grade
03 Straight at Hillcrest
04 Curve and Level
05 Curve and Grade
06 Curve at Hillcrest
Road Surface Type
01 Concrete 02 Blacktop 03 Gravel 04 Steel Grid 05 Dirt
Road Surface Condition
01 Dry 02 Wet 03 Snowy 04 Icy 05 Slush 06 Water (Standing/Moving) 07 Sand, Mud, Dirt
Environmental Condition
08 Oil
06 Recreational Vehicle
07 All Terrain Vehicle
08 Motorcycle
09 (reserved)
10 any previous w/Trailer
01 Car/Station Wagon/Minivan
02 Passenger Van ( < 9 Seats)
03 Cargo Van (10K lbs or less)
04 Sport Utility Vehicle
05 Pickup
Vehicle Type
Passenger Vehicles (01-19)
11 Moped
12 Streetcar/Trolley
13 Pedalcycle
19 Other Pass Vehicle
Trucks / Bus (20-30)
20 Single Unit (2 axle)
21 Single Unit (3+ axle)
22 Light Truck w/Trailer
23 Single Unit Truck w/Trailer
24 Truck Tractor (Bobtail)
25 Tractor Semi-Trailer
26 Tractor Double
27 Tractor Triple
29 Other Truck
30 Bus / Large Van
( 9 or more Seats)
03 Government
04 Responding to Emergency
05 Machinery in Use
01 Personal
02 Business/Commerce
State of New Jersey
Police Crash
Report NJTR-1
Boxes 1 - 7 must be completed for all
pages of the report.
Boxes 8-22 and 96-105 are only
required on page 1 of the report.
All other information is completed as
Websites for :
Crash References -
Insurance Codes -
5 digit NAIC - http://www.nj.gov/dobi/data/inscomp.htm
3 digit MVC - http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/numeric.pdf
Hospital Codes
- http://www.state.nj.us/health/ems/jems.pdf
Cargo Body Type (Comm Veh Only)
Oversize/Overweight Permit ?
(Comm Veh Only)
01 Yes 02 No
Direction of Travel of Vehicle
Vehicle Use
01 North 02 East
03 South 04 West
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 2
Veh 1
10 Overturned
11 Fixed Object
12 Animal
13 Pedestrian
14 Pedalcyclist
15 Non-fixed Object
16 Railcar -vehicle
with Other MV as First Event
07 Left Turn / U Turn
08 Backing
09 Encroachment
01 Same Direction ( Rear End )
02 Same Direction (Side Swipe)
03 Right Angle
04 Opposite Direction (Head On, Angular)
05 Opposite Direction (Side Swipe)
06 Struck Parked Vehicle
with Below as First Event
Crash Type
Total Number of Motor Vehicles Involved in Crash 104
01 Clear 03 Snow 05 Overcast 07 Blowing Snow 09 Severe Crosswinds
02 Rain 04 Fog/Smog/Smoke 06 Sleet/Hail/Freezing Rain 08 Blowing Sand/Dirt
1. Same Direction (Rear-end)- Two vehicles moving one behind the other and collide, regardless of what movements either vehicle was in the process of making. This would include a
collision in which the leading vehicle spun out and became turned 180 degrees around such that the resulting same direction collision had it strike front end to front end with the following
2. Same Direction (Sideswipe)- Two vehicles moving alongside each other and collide, with at least one of the vehicles being struck on the side. This type would include a collision resulting
from one of the vehicles making an improper turn such as a left from the right lane or vice-versa or turning right from the appropriate outside lane and striking a vehicle passing on the right
3. Right Angle- Two vehicles approaching from non-opposing angular directions collide, typically resulting as one vehicle failed to either stop or yield right of way from a Stop or Yield sign,
ran a red light, or was not cleared from the intersection upon the onset of the conflicting movement's green signal.
4. Opposite Direction (Head-on/Angular)- Two vehicles approaching opposite directions and intending to continue in opposite directions collide in a frontal or angular manner as a result of
one or both vehicles crossing the painted or unpainted centerline or divided median of the roadway. This includes a collision resulting from one vehicle traveling the wrong way down a divided
5. Opposite Direction (Sideswipe)- Two vehicles approaching opposite directions and intending to continue in opposite directions collide in a sideswiping manner as a result of one or both
vehicles crossing the painted or unpainted centerline or divided median of the roadway. This also includes a collision resulting from one vehicle traveling the wrong way down a divided
6. Parked Vehicle- A crash involving a vehicle in transport striking a parked vehicle within the roadway or in a parking lot.
7. Left Turn/U Turn- Two vehicles approaching from opposite directions collide as a result of at least one vehicle attempting to make a left or U turn in front of the opposing vehicle.
8. Backing- This type of crash, previously labeled as "Other" type, is defined as any multi-vehicle collision when at least one vehicle was in the act of backing.
9. Encroachment- Previously labeled as "Other" type crash, but frequently mislabeled as an angle crash due to the approach directions of one of the turning vehicles and a stopped, starting
or slowing vehicle on an adjacent approach, this crash defines the collision of two adjacent approach vehicles whose paths are unintended to come in conflict, but collide as a result of one or
both vehicles over- or under-turning.
10. Overturned- A crash in which a vehicle overturns on or off the roadway without first having been involved in some other type single or multiple vehicle crash. This includes motorcycle
crashes in which the operator loses control of and drops bike, but had not initially struck another motor vehicle, fixed or non-fixed object, animal, pedacyclist or pedestrian.
11. Fixed Object- A crash in which the primary collision involved a single vehicle and a fixed object.
12. Animal- A crash involving a vehicle striking any animal, including a deer. However, a deer crash could also be so-named for specific identification of this more common type animal crash
within the appropriate box on the Police Crash Report form.
13. Pedestrian- A crash involving a vehicle and pedestrian in which the collision between the two is the first event and also took place within the road proper. This type includes a vehicle
colliding with someone walking their bicycle in the roadway.
14. Pedalcycle- A crash involving a vehicle and a bicycle that is in the act of being ridden or stopped in the roadway, but currently mounted by the cyclist.
15. Non-fixed object- Excluding the single motor vehicle type crashes defined in numbers 10-14 above, this type implies any crash initially involving a single vehicle and object not
considered a fixed or permanent condition of the highway like ruts, bumps, sink- or potholes or other miscellaneous stationary or airborne road debris such as garbage, tree limbs, fallen-off
parts of other vehicles, broken and scattered signs/posts, etc.
16. Railcar-vehicle- Any crash involving a vehicle and a train, trolley, light transit or other type railcar that occurred within a roadway right-of-way or at an at-grade intersection.
99. Other- This category encompasses all other categories of single and multi-vehicle crashes that are not defined above. These include, but are not limited to, all other non-collision events
such as immersion, cargo loss, separation of units, fire/explosion, and run-off road incidents (whereby damage is caused to the vehicle, but nothing else was physically struck during or
following the act of leaving the highway).
00. Unknown
Same Direction (Rear End)
Struck Parked Vehicle
Pedestrian Pedalcyclist
Non-Fixed Object Railcar-vehicle
Left Turn / U Turn
Crash Type Diagrams
Opp Direction (Side Swipe)
Same Direction (Side Swipe)
Right Angle
Opp Direction (Head On, Angular)
Fixed Object Animal
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 2
Pre-Crash Action
Apparent Contributing Circumstances
Cell Phone In Use By Driver
Driver/Pedalcyclist Actions ( 01 - 29 )
01 Unsafe Speed
02 Driver Inattention *
03 Failed To Obey Traffic Control Device
04 Failed To Yield ROW to Vehicle/Pedes.
05 Improper Lane Change
06 Improper Passing
07 Improper Use/Failed to Use Turn Signal
08 Improper Turning
09 Following Too Closely
10 Backing Unsafely
11 Improper Use/No Lights
12 Wrong Way
13 Improper Parking
14 Failure To Keep Right
25 None
29 Other Driver/Pedalcyclist Action
Vehicle Factors ( 31 - 49 )
31 Defective Lights *
32 Brakes *
33 Steering *
34 Tires *
35 Wheels *
36 Windows/ Windshield *
37 Mirrors *
38 Wipers *
39 Veh Coupling/Hitch/Safety
Chains *
49 Other Vehicle Factor
01 Going Straight Ahead
02 Making Right Turn
(not turn on red)
03 Making Left Turn
04 Making U Turn
05 Starting From Parking
06 Starting In Traffic
07 Slowing or Stopping
08 Stopped in Traffic
09 Parking
10 Parked
11 Changing Lanes
Use Code 00 for Unknown.
Use Code 99 for Other.
Explain Other in Crash
Also, Explain Items
Marked with asterisk (*) in
Crash Description
If an Item Does Not Apply,
Enter a Dash ( - )
Overlay Page 2 of 2
Cut here first 8 1/16 " from left
Cut here second 1 1/8 " from left
Cut here 1 9/16 " from bottom
Veh 1
Veh 2
12 Merging/Entering Traf Lane
13 Backing
14 Driverless / Moving
15 Passing
16 Negotiating Curve
17 Driving on Shoulder
18 Right Turn on Red
29 Other Veh/Cyclist Action *
Pedestrian Factors ( 71 - 89 )
71 Failed To Obey Traffic Control Device
72 Crossing Where Prohibited
73 Dark Clothing/Low Visibility to Driver
74 Inattentive *
75 Failure to Yield ROW
76 Walking on Wrong Side of Road
77 Walking in Road When Sidewalk Present
78 Running/Darting Across Traffic
85 None
89 Other Pedestrian Factors
Apparent Physical Status
01 Apparently Normal
02 Alcohol Use
03 Drug Use (Illicit) *
04 Medication *
05 Alcohol & Drug/Medication Use *
06 Physical Handicaps
07 Illness
08 Fatigue
09 Fell Asleep
01 Handheld
02 Hands Free
Road / Environ. Factors ( 51 - 69 )
51 Road Surface Condition *
52 Obstruction/Debris In Road *
53 Ruts, Holes, Bumps *
54 Control Device Defective or Missing *
55 Improper Work Zone *
56 Physical Obstructions (viewing, etc) *
57 Animals in Roadway *
58 Improper/Inadequate Lane Markings *
59 Sunglare *
69 Other Roadway Factors
Align with top edge of Report - 1/2" from top of this overlay
State of New Jersey
Police Crash
Report NJTR-1
Eye Color (box 30, 60)
1 - Black 4 - Blue
2 - Brown 5 - Hazel
3 - Gray 6 - Green
7, 8, and 9 = Other
Veh 2
Veh 1 118a
Veh 2
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 1 120
Veh 1
Veh 2
Veh 2
Veh 1
Collision w/ Fixed Object ( 41 - 69 )
41 Impact Attenuator / Crash Cushion
42 Bridge Overhead Structure
43 Bridge Pier or Support
44 Bridge Parapet End
45 Bridge Rail
46 Guardrail Face
47 Guardrail End
48 Concrete Traffic Barrier
49 Other Traffic Barrier
50 Traffic Sign Support
51 Traffic Signal Standard
52 Utility Pole
53 Light Standard
54 Other Post, Pole, Support
55 Culvert
56 Curb
57 Ditch
58 Embankment
59 Fence
60 Tree
61 Mailbox
62 Fire Hydrant
69 Other Fixed Object
Non Collision ( 01 - 19 )
01 Overturn / Rollover
02 Fire / Explosion
03 Immersion
04 Jackknife
05 Ran Off Road - Right
06 Ran Off Road - Left
07 Crossed Median / Centerline
08 Downhill Runaway
09 Cargo / Equipment Loss or Shift
10 Separation of Units
11 Fell / Jumped From Vehicle
12 Thrown / Falling Object
13 Equipment Failure
19 Other Non Collision
Collision w/ Person, MV, or Non-Fixed
Object ( 21 - 39 )
21 Pedalcyclist
22 Pedestrian
23 Train / Trolley / Other Railcar
24 Deer
25 Other Animal
26 MV in Transport
27 MV in Transport, Other Roadway
28 Parked MV
29 Work Zone or Maint. Equipment
30 Struck By Object Set In Motion By MV
39 Other Non-Fixed Object
Sequence of Events (select up to 4 for each vehicle)
13 Roof
14 Undercarriage
15 Overturned
17 None Visible
Clockpoint Diagram
Vehicle Impact Area
Veh 2
Veh 1
01 Police Officer
02 RR Watchman, Gates, etc
03 Traffic Signal
04 Lane Markings
05 Channelization - Painted
06 Channelization - Physical
07 Warning Signal
08 Stop Sign
13 School Zone (Signs/Controls)
14 Adult Crossing Guard
Traffic Controls
Vehicle / Pedalcyclist Action (01-29)
Pedestrian Action (31-49)
31 Pedestrian Off Road
32 Walking To/From School
33 Walking/Jogging with Traffic
34 Walking/Jogging Against Traffic
35 Playing in Road
36 Standing/Lying/Kneeling in Road
37 Getting On/ Off Vehicle
38 Pushing/Working on Vehicle
39 Other Working in Roadway
40 Approaching/Leaving Schoolbus
41 Coming From Behind Parked Veh.
42 (reserved)
At Intersection
43 Crossing at "marked"
44 Crossing at "unmarked"
At Mid-Block
45 Crossing at "marked"
46 Crossing / Jaywalking
49 Other Pedestrian Action *
09 Yield Sign
10 Flagman
11 No Control Present
12 Flashing Traffic Control
Veh 2
Veh 1
Veh 1
Vehicle Color Codes
(box 40, 70)
Beige BG
Black BK
Blue BL
Brown BN
Coral CL
Cream CM
Gold GD
Gray GY
Green GN
Maroon MN
Orange OG
Pink PK
Purple PL
Red RD
Silver SL
Tan TN
Turquoise TQ
White WT
Yellow YL