Director Resignation Policy
Directors Receiving Majority Votes Against in Uncontested Elections
Under Article II, Section 2.10 of the Bylaws of Old Second Bancorp, Inc. (the
Company), a nominee for director to the Companys Board of Directors (the Board) is
elected in an uncontested election by the vote of the holders of a majority of the shares having
voting power present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting. The following
procedures address the situation in which a nominee for the Companys Board of Directors
receives more votes “against” his or her election than votes “forhis or her election (a Majority
Against Vote).
By accepting a nomination to stand for election or re-election as a director of the
Company or an appointment as director to fill a vacancy or new directorship, each candidate,
nominee or appointee agrees that if, in an uncontested election of directors, he or she receives a
Majority Against Vote, the director shall promptly tender a written offer of resignation
(substantially in the form of Exhibit A) to the Chairman of the Board following certification of
the stockholder vote from the meeting at which the election occurred. For purposes of this
policy, an uncontested election of directorsis any election of directors in which the number of
nominees for election does not exceed the number of directors to be elected.
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee of the Board (the Committee)
will promptly consider the director’s offer of resignation and recommend to the Board whether to
accept the resignation or reject it. The Board will act on the Committee’s recommendation no
later than 120 days following certification of the stockholder vote.
In evaluating the directors resignation, each of the Committee and the Board shall
consider factors that they deem relevant, including (i) the perceived reasons for the Majority
Against Vote, (ii) the qualifications and tenure of the director, (iii) the directors past and
expected future contributions to the Company, (iv) the overall composition of the Board and
whether accepting the resignation would cause the Company to violate any applicable rule or
regulation (including Nasdaq listing standards and federal securities laws) or any of its material
agreements, and (v) whether the resignation would be in the best interests of the Company and
its stockholders.
In determining what action to recommend or take regarding the directors resignation,
each of the Committee and the Board may consider a range of alternatives as they deem
appropriate, including (i) accepting the resignation, (ii) rejecting the resignation, (iii) rejecting
the resignation to allow the director to remain on the Board but agreeing that the director will not
be nominated for re-election to the Board at the next election of directors, (iv) deferring
acceptance of the resignation until the Board can find a replacement director with the necessary
qualifications to fill the vacancy that accepting the resignation would create, or (v) deferring
acceptance of the resignation if the director can cure the underlying cause of the Majority
Against Vote within a specified period of time (for example, if the Majority Against Vote were
due to overboarding, by resigning from other company boards).
After the Board makes a formal decision on the Committees recommendation, the
Company shall publicly disclose this action in a Form 8-K filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission within four business days of the decision. If the Board has determined to
take any action other than acceptance of the resignation, the Form 8-K shall also include the
Board’s rationale supporting its decision.
Any director who tenders his or her offer of resignation pursuant to this policy shall not
participate in any deliberations or actions by the Committee or the Board regarding his or her
resignation but shall otherwise continue to serve as a director during this period.
If other directors who are members of the Committee receive a Majority Against Vote in
the same uncontested election of directors, so that a quorum of the Committee cannot be
achieved, then the other independent directors on the Board who received more votes forthan
againstin that election will consider and decide what action to take regarding the resignation
of each director who received a Majority Against Vote. If three or fewer independent directors
on the Board did not receive a Majority Against Vote in the same election, then all independent
directors on the Board shall participate in deliberations and actions regarding director
resignations except that no director can participate in the vote on his or her own resignation.
Directors Attaining Age Seventy-Three (73)
No person shall be elected to serve, or continue to serve, as a director of the Company
after attaining the age of seventy-three (73) years. By accepting a nomination to stand for
election or re-election as a director of the Company or an appointment as director to fill a
vacancy or new directorship, each candidate or nominee agrees that upon attaining age seventy-
three (73) during his or her tenure as director, the director shall be deemed, effective at such
time, to have resigned his or her directorship thereby creating a vacancy. Such individual shall
promptly deliver a written letter of resignation (substantially in the form of Exhibit A) to the
Chairman of the Board, with such resignation occurring effective as of the attainment of the age
of seventy-three (73) years.
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Old Second Bancorp, Inc.
37 South River Street
Aurora, Illinois 60507
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
In accordance with the Old Second Bancorp, Inc. Director Resignation Policy, I hereby tender
my resignation as a member of the board of directors (the Board) of Old Second Bancorp, Inc.
(the Company), [effective upon acceptance by the Board].
Please note that my resignation is a result of compliance with the Director Resignation Policy
and not as a result of any disagreement between myself and the Company, its management, the
Board or any committee of the Board.
With respect to a resignation upon attaining age seventy-three (73), the bracketed language
shall be revised to read “effective upon [insert date that the director attained age seventy-three
(73) years].”