G-W FUCA text 10.28.05
Additional Zoning Text Amendments
October 28, 2005
Matter in underline is new, to be added;
Matter in strikeout is old, to be deleted;
Matter in # # is defined in Section 12-10;
* * * indicates where unchanged text appears in the Zoning Resolution
Special Zoning Districts Where Certain Sidewalk Cafes Are Permitted
#Enclosed# or #unenclosed sidewalk cafes# shall be permitted, as indicated, in the
following special zoning districts, where allowed by the underlying zoning. #Small
sidewalk cafes#, however, may be located on #streets# or portions of #streets# within
special zoning districts pursuant to the provisions of Section 14-43 (Locations Where
Only Small Sidewalk Cafes Are Permitted).
* * *
Sidewalk Cafe#
Bay Ridge District Yes Yes
Coney Island Mixed Use District Yes Yes
Downtown Brooklyn District Yes Yes
Franklin Street Mixed Use District
Yes Yes
Northside Mixed Use District Yes Yes
Ocean Parkway District* Yes Yes
Sheepshead Bay District No Yes
Special Mixed Use District MX-8
Yes Yes
* #Sidewalk cafes# are not allowed on Ocean Parkway
* * *
G-W FUCA text 10.28.05
Within the Greenpoint-Williamsburg anti-harassment area in Community District 1,
Borough of Brooklyn, as shown on Map 1 in this Section, the provisions of paragraphs
(a) through (d), inclusive, of Section 93-90 (Harassment) shall apply as modified in this
For the purposes of this Section, the following definitions in Section 93-90(a) shall be
Anti-Harassment Area
“Anti Harassment Area” shall mean the Greenpoint-Williamsburg anti-
harassment area as shown on Map 1 in this section.
Referral date
“Referral date” shall mean October 4, 2004.
In addition, Section 93-90(d)(3) is modified as follows:
No portion of the #low income housing# required under this Section shall qualify
(i) increase the #floor area ratio# pursuant to the provisions of Section
23-90 or Section 62-352 (Inclusionary Housing), or
(ii) increase the maximum height of a #building# or the height above
which the gross area per #residential story# of a #building# is
limited pursuant to the provisions of Section 62-354 (Special
height and setback regulations), paragraphs (b)(2) and (d), or
satisfy an eligibility requirement of any real property tax
abatement or exemption program with respect to any #multiple
dwelling# that does not contain such #low income housing#.
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Map 1
Greenpoint-Williamsburg anti-harassment area
* * *
G-W FUCA text 10.28.05
Community District 1, Borough of Brooklyn
The Inclusionary Housing Program shall apply in the following areas of Community
District 1, in the Borough of Brooklyn, located in an area bounded by South 5
Grand Street Extension/Borinquen Place, Union Avenue, Metropolitan Avenue,
Humboldt Street, Meeker Avenue, Russell Street, Engert Avenue, McGuinness
Boulevard, the Newtown Creek, and the East River:
(a) Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, as set forth in Section 62-352;
(b) all #Special Mixed Use Districts#;
(c) all R6A, R6B and R7A Districts; and
(d) R6 Districts within the following R6 areas:
(1) the #block# bounded by Havemeyer Street, North Sixth Street,
Metropolitan Avenue and North Fifth Street;
(2) the #block# bounded by Roebling Street, North Fifth Street, Havemeyer
Street, and Metropolitan Avenue, and North Fourth Street;
(3) those #blocks# bounded by Wythe Avenue, Grand Street, Berry Street and
South Third Street;
(4) those #blocks# and portions of #blocks# bounded by Bedford Avenue,
North 1st Street, Driggs Street Avenue, Fillmore Place, Roebling Street,
and a line coincident with the centerline of the long dimension of the
#blocks# bounded by Bedford Avenue, Grand Street, Roebling Street and
South First Street;
(5) that portion of the #block# bounded by Havemeyer Street, Hope Street,
Marcy Avenue, and South First Street that is within 100 feet of Grand
Street; and
that portion of the #block# bounded by Franklin Street, Huron Street,
Manhattan Avenue and India Street that is within 100 feet of Franklin
Street and 100 feet of India Street.
For the purposes of the Inclusionary Housing program, matter in italics is defined either
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in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS) or in this Section.
Administering agent
The "administering agent" is the entity or entities identified in the #lower income housing
plan# as responsible for ensuring compliance with such plan.
The #administering agent# shall be a not-for-profit organization, unless the
Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development finds that a good faith effort by
the developer of the #compensated development# to secure a qualified not-for-profit
organization as the #administering agent# was unsuccessful, or, in Community District 1,
Borough of Brooklyn, if the #floor area# of the #standard units# comprising the #lower
income housing# constitutes less than half of the total #residential floor area# or
#community facility floor area used# as a not-for-profit institution with sleeping
accommodations in the #building#. However, in Community District 1, Borough of
Brooklyn, the Commissioner may approve an entity that is responsible for compliance
monitoring pursuant to city, state, or federal funding sources, to serve as the
#administering agent# during such compliance period.
* * *
In Community District 1, Borough of Brooklyn
The provisions of this Section 23-942 shall apply in the designated areas set forth in
Section 23-922, except within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1.
(a) Maximum floor area ratio
The #floor area# of a #development# or #enlargement# may not exceed the base
#floor area ratio# set forth in the table below
, except that such #floor area# may
be increased by one and one-quarter square feet for each square foot of #floor
area# provided for #lower income housing#, up to the maximum #floor area
ratio# specified in the table in this Section. However, the amount of #lower
income housing# required to receive such bonus #floor area# need not exceed 20
percent of the total #floor area#, exclusive of ground floor non-#residential floor
area#, in the #building#.
District Base
#floor area ratio#
#floor area ratio#
R6B 2.0
R6* 2.2
R6A 2.7
R6** 2.7
R7A 3.45
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* for #zoning lots#, or portions thereof, beyond 100 feet of a #wide street#
** for #zoning lots#, or portions thereof, within 100 feet of a #wide street#
In addition, the following rules shall apply:
)(b) Height and setback
The compensated #building# must be #developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to the
Quality Housing Program or, in #Special Mixed Use Districts#, pursuant to
paragraph (b) of Section 123-662, and
(1) Except in #Special Mixed Use Districts#, the compensated #building#
must be #developed# or #enlarged# pursuant to the height and setback
regulations of Section 23-633 (Street wall location and height and setback
regulations in certain districts) or Section 35-24 (Special Street Wall
Location and Height and Setback Regulations in Certain Districts), as
(2) In #Special Mixed Use Districts#, where the residence district designation
has a letter suffix, the compensated #building# must be #developed# or
#enlarged# pursuant to paragraph (b) of Section 123-662 (All buildings in
Special Mixed Use Districts with R6, R7, R8, R9 and R10 District
designations). Where the residence district designation does not have a
letter suffix, the compensated #building# must be #developed# or
#enlarged# pursuant to the height and setback regulations of Section 23-
633 regardless of whether the #building# is #developed# or #enlarged#
pursuant to the Quality Housing Program.
(b)(c) Lower income housing requirements
The #lower income housing# must be provided in accordance with the provisions
set forth in Section 23-95 (Lower Income Housing Requirements).
* * *
Lower Income Housing Requirements
* * *
(f) Permits and certificates of occupancy
No building permit for the #compensated development# shall be issued until the
Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development certifies that an
acceptable #lower income housing plan# has been filed and approved.
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No temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any part of the
#compensated development# until a temporary certificate of occupancy for each
unit of #lower income housing# has been issued or, in Community District 1,
Borough of Brooklyn, if the #building# has a valid certificate of occupancy and
no new certificate of occupancy is required under the preservation option, until
the Commissioner has certified to the Department of Buildings that the applicant
has fulfilled its obligations with respect to the #lower income housing#. No
permanent certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any part of the
#compensated development# until a permanent certificate of occupancy for each
unit of the #lower income housing# has been issued or, in Community District 1,
Borough of Brooklyn, if the #building# has a valid certificate of occupancy and
no new certificate of occupancy is required under the preservation option, until
the Commissioner has certified to the Department of Buildings that the applicant
has fulfilled its obligations with respect to the #lower income housing#. Prior to
the issuance of any temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy for the
#compensated development#, the Commissioner of Housing Preservation and
Development shall certify that the #lower income housing# is in compliance with
the #lower income housing plan#.
* * *
On-site new construction option
* * *
(b) #Dwelling units# designated as #lower income housing# shall be distributed
throughout the #development#. No #story# shall contain more than two such
units unless at least 80 percent of all #stories# contain two such units. The size of
the designated #lower income housing# units shall at least be distributed among
the various size units in proportion to the total distribution of unit size within the
#building# in the following categories of unit sizes:
under 600 net square feet
600 - 749 net square feet
750 - 949 net square feet
950 - 1149 net square feet
1150 or more net square feet
In Community District 1, Borough of Brooklyn, if the #lower income housing# is
subject to the requirements of city, state or federal programs assisting the #lower
income housing# that have size and distribution requirements conflicting with the
size and distribution requirements of this paragraph, (b), then the size and
distribution requirements of this paragraph, (b), may be waived by the
Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development to facilitate the
#development# of #lower income housing#.
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* * *
Within the Greenpoint-Williamsburg anti-harassment area set forth in Section 23-013, the
provisions of Section 23-013 shall apply to any #zoning lot# containing a #building
used# partly for a #residential use#.
* * *
Maximum floor area ratio for zoning lots containing community facility and
residential uses
R1 R2 R3-1 R3A R3X R4-1 R4A R4B R6A R6B R7-2 R7A R7B R7X R8 R9 R10
In the districts indicated, for #zoning lots# containing #community facility# and
#residential uses#, the maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for a #community facility
use# shall be as set forth in Section 24-11, inclusive, and the maximum #floor area ratio#
permitted for a #residential use# shall be as set forth in Article II, Chapter 3, provided the
total of all such #floor area ratios# does not exceed the greatest #floor area ratio#
permitted for any such #use# on the #zoning lot#.
The following rules shall apply iIn the designated areas set forth in Section 23-922
(Community District 1, Borough of Brooklyn), :
The provisions of this Section 24-161 shall apply in the following areas:
(1) those portions of #blocks# bounded by a line 82 feet west of Franklin
Street, a line 100 feet north of Freeman Street, a line 100 feet west of
Franklin Street, Freeman Street, Franklin Street, and Eagle Street, and
(2) those #blocks# and portions of #blocks# bounded by Berry Street, North
5th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Havemeyer Street, North 6th
Street, Havemeyer Street, North 7th Street, Roebling Street, North 8th
Street, Driggs Avenue, North 9th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of
Bedford Avenue, North 11th Street, Union Avenue, Richardson Street,
Leonard Street, Bayard Street, Graham Avenue, Driggs Avenue, North
12th Street, a line midway between Bedford Avenue and Berry Street, and
North 10th Street.
(b) In the designated areas set forth in Section 23-922 (Community District 1,
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Borough of Brooklyn), except as set forth in paragraph (a) above and except
within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, the #floor area ratios# of Section 23-942
shall apply where the #residential# portion of a #building# is #developed# or
#enlarged# pursuant to the Quality Housing Program.
* * *
Maximum Floor Area Ratio for Mixed Buildings
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
In all districts, except as set forth in Section 35-311, the provisions of this Section shall
apply to any #zoning lot# containing a #mixed building#.
The maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for a #commercial# or #community facility
use# shall be as set forth in Article III, Chapter 3, and the maximum #floor area ratio#
permitted for a #residential use# shall be as set forth in Article II, Chapter 3, provided the
total of all such #floor area ratios# does not exceed the greatest #floor area ratio#
permitted for any such #use# on the #zoning lot#. However, in C4-7 Districts within
Community District 7 in the Borough of Manhattan, such maximum #residential floor
area ratio# may be increased pursuant to the provisions of Section 23-90
In Community District 7, Borough of Manhattan, the maximum #floor area ratio#
permitted for a #residential use# set forth in Article II, Chapter 3 may be increased
pursuant to the provisions of Section 23-90 (INCLUSIONARY HOUSING).
The following rules shall apply iIn the designated areas set forth in Section 23-922
(Community District 1, Borough of Brooklyn), :
The provisions of this Section 35-31 shall apply in the following areas:
(1) those portions of #blocks# bounded by a line 82 feet west of Franklin
Street, a line 100 feet north of Freeman Street, a line 100 feet west of
Franklin Street, Freeman Street, Franklin Street, and Eagle Street, and
(2) those #blocks# and portions of #blocks# bounded by Berry Street, North
5th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of Havemeyer Street, North 6th
Street, Havemeyer Street, North 7th Street, Roebling Street, North 8th
Street, Driggs Avenue, North 9th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of
Bedford Avenue, North 11th Street, Union Avenue, Richardson Street,
Leonard Street, Bayard Street, Graham Avenue, Driggs Avenue, North
12th Street, a line midway between Bedford Avenue and Berry Street, and
North 10th Street.
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(b) In the designated areas set forth in Section 23-922 (Community District 1,
Borough of Brooklyn), except as set forth in paragraph (a) above, and except
within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, the #floor area ratios# of Section 23-942
shall apply where the #residential# portion of a #building# is #developed# or
#enlarged# pursuant to the Quality Housing Program.
* * *
Developments on land and platforms
All #developments# on portions of a #zoning lot# landward of the #shoreline# or on
#platforms# shall be subject to the height and setback provisions of this Section.
However, when the seaward view from all points along the shoreline of a #zoning lot# is
entirely obstructed by existing elevated roads, bridges or similar structures which are less
than 50 feet above mean high water and within 200 feet of the #shoreline#,
#developments# shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section. Height and
setback regulations for #developments# on #piers# and #floating structures# are set forth
in Sections 62-342 and 62-343.
(a) For the purposes of applying the height and setback regulations of this Section,
the following provisions shall apply:
(1) #Street lines#
For the purposes of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Section and of paragraph
(h) of Section 62-354, a #shore public walkway#, #visual corridor#,
#upland connection# or #supplemental public access area# shall be
considered a #street# and its boundary shall be treated as a #street line#.
Any #visual corridor# or #upland connection# that measures at least 75
feet in width, or any #shore public walkway# or #supplemental public
access area#, shall be considered a #wide street#. Any other #visual
corridor# or #upland connection# shall be considered a #narrow street#.
Inclusionary Housing
* * *
(b) Floor area increase
(1) For #zoning lots# located in R8 Districts, or located partially in R8
Districts and partially in R6 Districts, the maximum permitted #floor area
ratio# on such #zoning lots# may be increased in R6 Districts from 2.43 to
2.75, and in R8 Districts from 4.88 to 6.5, provided that:
G-W FUCA text 10.28.05
(i) at least 20% of the total #residential floor area# on the #zoning lot#
is occupied by lower income households#, or
(ii) at least 10% of the total #residential floor area# on the #zoning lot#
is occupied by #lower income households# and at least 15% of the
total #residential floor area# on the #zoning lot# is occupied by
#moderate income households#.
(2) For #zoning lots# located entirely within R6 Districts, the maximum
permitted #floor area ratio# may be increased from 2.43 to 2.75 provided
(i) at least 7.5% of the total #residential
floor area# on the #zoning lot#
is occupied by #lower income households#, or
(ii) at least 5% of the total #residential
floor area# on the #zoning lot#
is occupied by #lower income households# and at least 5% of the
total #residential floor area# on the #zoning lot# is occupied by
#moderate income households#.
Where #lower# or #moderate income housing# is provided on a #zoning lot#
other than the #zoning lot# occupied by the compensated #development#, the
percentage of #residential floor area# required to be occupied by such households
pursuant to this Section shall be determined as a percentage of the #residential
floor area# on the #zoning lot# of such compensated #development#, inclusive of
#floor area# bonused pursuant to this Section.
For the purposes of determining the amount of #lower income housing# required
to increase the maximum permitted #floor area# pursuant to this paragraph (b),
community facility #floor area# used as a philanthropic or not-for-profit
institution with sleeping accommodations shall be considered #residential floor
Any #zoning lot# located entirely within an R6 District that, in conjunction with a
#zoning lot# located partially or entirely within an R8 District, utilizes a
distribution of #floor area#, #lot coverage# or #residential# density without regard
to #zoning lot lines# or district boundaries pursuant to Section 62-353 (Special
floor area, lot coverage and residential density distribution regulations), shall
comply with the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this Section.
* * *
(d) Permits and certificate of occupancy
G-W FUCA text 10.28.05
The requirements of paragraph (f) of Section 23-94 shall not apply. In lieu
thereof, the provisions of this paragraph (d) shall apply.
No building permit for any portion of the #compensated development# that
utilizes #floor area# bonused pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Section, or is
located on any #story# that utilizes the increased height for #developments# that
provide Inclusionary Housing as set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of Section 62-354
(Special Height and Setback Regulations) shall be issued until the Commissioner
of Housing Preservation and Development certifies that an acceptable #lower
income housing plan# has been filed and approved.
No temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any portion of the
#compensated development# that utilizes #floor area# bonused pursuant to
paragraph (b) of this Section, or is located on any #story# that utilizes the
increased height for #developments# that provide Inclusionary Housing as set
forth in paragraph (b)(2) of Section 62-354 (Special Height and Setback
Regulations), until a temporary certificate of occupancy for each unit of #lower
income housing# that is the subject of the #lower income housing plan# accepted
by the Commissioner of Housing Preservation and Development has been issued
or, if the building has a valid certificate of occupancy and no new certificate of
occupancy is required under the preservation option, until the Commissioner has
certified to the Department of Buildings that the applicant has fulfilled its
obligations with respect to the lower income housing. No permanent certificate of
occupancy shall be issued for any portion of the #compensated development# that
utilizes #floor area# bonused pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Section, or is
located on any #story# which utilizes the increased height for #developments#
that provide Inclusionary Housing as set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of Section 62-
354 (Special Height and Setback Regulations), until a permanent certificate of
occupancy for each unit of #lower income housing# that is the subject of the
#lower income housing plan# accepted by the Commissioner of Housing
Preservation and Development has been issued or, if the building has a valid
certificate of occupancy and no new certificate of occupancy is required under the
preservation option, until the Commissioner has certified to the Department of
Buildings that the applicant has fulfilled its obligations with respect to the lower
income housing.
* * *
Special Height and Setback Regulations
* * *
(e) Paragraph (c)(6) shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the outermost walls of each
#story# located entirely above a height of 85 feet shall be inscribed within a
G-W FUCA text 10.28.05
rectangle. The maximum length of any side of such rectangle that is parallel or
within 45 degrees of being parallel to Kent Avenue, West Street or Commercial
Street, whichever is closest, shall not exceed 110 feet. The maximum length of
any other side of such rectangle shall not exceed 170 feet, except that for
#buildings# where at least 20 percent of the total #floor area# is comprised of
#lower income housing# pursuant to Section 62-352, such maximum length of
170 feet shall apply above a height of 100 feet.
* * *
Waterfront Access Plan BK-1:
* * *
Parcel 11: Block 2543, Lot 1
Parcel 12a: Block 2556, Lot 41
Parcel 12b: Block 2556, Lots 45 and 46
Parcel 12c: Block 2556, Lots 55, 57 and 58
Parcel 12d: Block 2556, Lot 54
Parcel 12e: Block 2556, Lot 53
Parcel 12f: Block 2556, Lot 52
Parcel 12g: Block 2556, Lot 51
Parcel 12h: Block 2556, Lot 50
Parcel 12i: Block 2556, Lot 49
Parcel 12j: Block 2556, Lot 48
Parcel 13: Block 2556 Lot 1, Block 2564 Lot 1, Block 2567 Lot 1 and Block 2570,
Lot 36
* * *
(e) Special public access provisions by parcel
* * *
(5) Parcel 5c
* * *
(iii) #Supplemental public access area#
Two #supplemental public access areas# shall be provided on
Parcel 5c.
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A #supplemental public access area# shall be bounded by the
southern boundary of the required Green Street #upland
connection#, the #shore public walkway#, the southern boundary
of Parcel 5c and the northern prolongation of the eastern boundary
of the #shore public walkway# required in Parcel 7. The
requirements for a waterfront plaza described in paragraph (b)(3)
of this Section shall apply.
The remaining required #supplemental public access area# shall be
provided either on the #pier# or distributed evenly as a widening of
the pedestrian circulation zone of the #shore public walkway#
located between the Eagle Street and Green Street #upland
connections#. If any #supplemental public access area# is located
on the #pier#, the planting requirements for Waterfront Plaza shall
apply, except that one shade tree shall be required for each 1,000
square feet of #supplemental public access area#, but in no event
shall more than four shade trees be required. A shading element
may be substituted for the required shade trees may be substituted
by a shading element at a rate of 450 sq. ft. of shade element per
* * *
(13) Parcel 25
* * *
(iii) #Supplemental public access area#
Two #supplemental public access areas# shall be provided.
One #supplemental public access area# shall be provided along the
prolongation of the southern #street line# of North 7th Street and
the #shore public walkway#. Such public access area shall be a
minimum of 3,000 square feet in area and shall have a minimum
depth of 90 feet from the southern #street line# of North 7
measured from the #shore public walkway#. The entire
#supplemental public access area#, excluding the required buffer,
shall be developed as clear circulation path.
A minimum of one linear foot of seating shall be required for every
40 square feet of pedestrian circulation zone and shall be located in
the required buffer zone. Four trees shall be required, at least two
of which are shade trees. Small or ornamental trees located within
the buffer zone shall not be counted toward the minimum
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The remaining required #supplemental public access area# shall be
located either on the #pier# or abut the #shore public walkway#
continuously along its longest side, and shall also abut the required
#upland connection# where it meets the #shore public walkway#.
At least 70 percent of the required #supplemental public access#
shall have a width to depth ratio of 2:1. The requirements for a
waterfront plaza described in paragraph (b)(3) of this Section shall
apply. If any #supplemental public access area# is located on the
#pier#, the planting requirements for Waterfront Plaza shall apply,
except that one shade tree shall be required for each 1,000 square
feet of #supplemental public access area#, but in no event shall
more than four shade trees be required. A shading element may be
substituted for the required shade trees may be substituted by a
shading element at a rate of 450 sq. ft. of shade element per tree.
* * *
(14) Parcel 26
* * *
(ii) #Upland connections#
An #upland connection# shall be provided between Kent Avenue
and the #shore public walkway# located within the prolongation of
the #street lines# of North 4th Street. However, if the #upland
connection# is provided within a private drive pursuant to Section
62-622, then a portion of the southern pedestrian circulation zone
beyond 15 feet from Kent Avenue may be located up to 15 feet
outside the prolongation of the #street lines# of North 4th Street,
provided that this pedestrian circulation zone is not located entirely
outside the prolongation of the #street lines# of North 4th Street at
any point within 80 feet of Kent Avenue.
* * *
(g) Greenpoint-Williamsburg Waterfront Access Plan Maps
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* * *
Maximum Floor Area Ratio and Lot Coverage Requirements for Mixed Use
(a) Maximum #floor area ratio#
(1) Manufacturing or commercial portions
The maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for the #manufacturing# or
#commercial# portion of a #mixed use building# in #Special Mixed Use
Districts# shall be the applicable maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for
#manufacturing# or #commercial buildings# under the provisions of Section 43-
12, in accordance with the designated M1 District.
(2) Community facility portion
The maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for the #community facility# portion
of a #mixed use building# in #Special Mixed Use Districts# shall be the
applicable maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for #community facility
buildings# in #Residence Districts# under the provisions of Section 24-11, in
accordance with the designated #Residence District#.
(3) #Residential# portion
Where the #Residence District# designation is an R3, R4 or R5 District, the
maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for the #residential# portion of a #mixed
use building# in #Special Mixed Use Districts# shall be the applicable maximum
#floor area ratio# permitted for #residential buildings# under the provisions of
Sections 23-14 and 23-141, in accordance with the designated #Residence
Where the #Residence District# designation is an R6, R7, R8, R9 or R10 District,
the maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for the #residential# portion of a
#mixed use building# in #Special Mixed Use Districts# shall be the applicable
maximum #floor area ratio# permitted for #residential buildings# under the
provisions of Section 123-63, in accordance with the designated #Residence
(4) Maximum #floor area# in #mixed use buildings#
The maximum total #floor area# in a #mixed use building# in #Special Mixed
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Use Districts# shall be the maximum #floor area# permitted for either the
#commercial#, #manufacturing#, #community facility# or #residential# portion of
such #building#, as set forth in this Section, whichever permits the greatest
amount of #floor area#.
However, in the designated areas set forth in Section 23-922 (Community District
1, Borough of Brooklyn), the following rules shall apply:
(i) The provisions of paragraph (a)(4) of this Section 123-64 shall
apply in the following areas:
(1) those portions of #blocks# bounded by a line 82 feet west
of Franklin Street, a line 100 feet north of Freeman Street, a
line 100 feet west of Franklin Street, Freeman Street,
Franklin Street, and Eagle Street, and
(2) those #blocks# and portions of #blocks# bounded by Berry
Street, North 5th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of
Havemeyer Street, North 6th Street, Havemeyer Street,
North 7th Street, Roebling Street, North 8th Street, Driggs
Avenue, North 9th Street, a line 100 feet southeasterly of
Bedford Avenue, North 11th Street, Union Avenue,
Richardson Street, Leonard Street, Bayard Street, Graham
Avenue, Driggs Avenue, North 12th Street, a line midway
between Bedford Avenue and Berry Street, and North 10th
(ii) In the designated areas set forth in Section 23-922 (Community
District 1, Borough of Brooklyn), except as set forth in paragraph
(i) above and except within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, the
#floor area ratios# of Section 23-942 shall apply.
* * *