W&M Writing Resources Center 2018 | This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Text Language and Slang
Text Language
Also known as SMS language, text language consists of the abbreviations and slang often used in
texting and some other internet-based conversations, such as casual messaging through Facebook
and other applications. The following list details some of the most commonly used abbreviations:
LOL = laugh out loud. Used casually in text conversations with friends when something is
funny. Additionally, abbreviations such as LMAO or just haha are also used often to
indicate you are laughing.
BRB = be right back. This is used when someone is busy for a moment and is planning on
continuing a text or messaging conversation after they finish.
BTW = by the way. BTW is a commonly used abbreviation used before someone reveals new
ILY = I love you. ILY is used often with friends.
GR8 = great.
OMG = oh my god. This is a very common exclamation over text when something is exciting
or surprising.
THX = thanks. Other abbreviations for thank you include TY and TYSM which mean
thank you and thank you so much.
TMI = too much information. When someone has overshared information, or received more
personal information than they wanted, they will use TMI.
IDK = I don’t know.
LMK = let me know.
NVM = never mind.
IKR(?) = I know, right? This is used when one is in agreement with someone else, and is also
a common phrase in conversation.
OFC = of course.
Many of these abbreviations, while often used in text, are also used in casual conversation in person.
All of these abbreviations, however, are only used in casual situations, and are not used in
conversations or emails with Professors, in interviews, or professional situations.
Source: http://www.netlingo.com/top50/popular-text-terms.php
W&M Writing Resources Center 2018 | This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
William and Mary “Lingo”
At the College of William and Mary, we use a lot of terms and abbreviations to describe different
locations, organizations, events, or people. We use the following slang in both virtual conversations
(over text or messaging) and face-to-face conversations.
SWEM = Swem Library.
Swemming = Spending time at Swem Library.
Swemromas = Aromas Coffeehouse in Swem Library (also called The Mews, Swem spelled
The Grind = The Daily Grind Coffee Shop, located next to Sadler.
Cosí = Cosí restaurant in the basement of Sadler.
The Caf = Commons Dining Hall
The Rec = the Recreation Center
Sadler = the Sadler Center or Dining Hall
Sexchange = Student Exchange. Located in the basement of Sadler.
Lodge 1 = The stage/seating area in Sadler basement across from Cosí.
AMP = Alma Mater Productions, a campus organization that puts on free events for
students each week.
TWAMP = Typical William and Mary Person.
Sunky g’s = Sunken Gardens.
Forest Path = the path behind Sadler or across from the Crim Dell. This path through the
forest takes you to the Grim Dell” and is a shortcut to get to the Caf, Botetourt dorms,
GGV dorms, the Rec, and Kaplan/W&M Hall.
DOG Street = Duke of Gloucester street.
OA = Orientation Aide.
RA = Residential Assistant.
CSU = Campus Student Unit (mailbox).
PBK = Phi Beta Kappa Hall.
Ho House/OTP = Hospitality House/One Tribe Place Dormitory.
SA = Student Assembly
College = The College Deli
Paul’s = Paul’s Deli
Wren Ten = A cappella performance outside the Wren Building at 10pm on Wednesdays.
The Meridian = A coffee shop located at 206 South Boundary street.
New Town = An area of Williamsburg with many businesses and restaurants.
CW = Colonial Williamsburg
WRC = Writing Resources Center. Located in SWEM Library, the Writing Resources center
is available for appointments to help with any type of writing.
All of these terms are appropriate to use with anyone on the William and Mary campus, and are
usually understood by most community members who have been here for at least one semester.